Islandia, ezezagun hori



Part of the Small Nation Series

An in-depth look at the wonderful land and interesting economy of Iceland with Olafur Margeirsson, an economist and an alternate member of the Supervisory Board of the Central Bank of Iceland.

03:30 A short story from COP 25 (in the leadup to COP 26)

04:10 Introduction to Olafur Margeirsson

05:15 Introduction to Iceland

06:05 The Icelandic Krona

07:25 How did Iceland deal with the financial crash in 2008

10:40 The crash had been long coming in Iceland

12:30 How did the Icelandic central bank support the Icelandic economy?

13:00 The Sustainable Growth Commission suggests that an independent Scotland would keep the BoE as its central bank – what Olafur thinks of that

14:30 The mortgage system in Iceland is a huge problem for the Icelandic economy

17:00 How the Krona affected the financial crash in Iceland

17:45 The importance of the central bank Iceland was able to keep trading

20:00 Iceland’s huge energy resources

21:00 How the Icelandic economy changed from 2008 – trying to be more green

27:20 The weakness of the Icelandic economy is the lack of diversity: the opposite of Scotland

29:40 How cheap renewable energy production leads to cheap energy for consumers (unlike the UK)

30:50 What role has privatisation played in Iceland compared to UK and by extension Scotland

35:00 How the Icelandic nation work towards national goals

39:00 Where Iceland (initially got) its wealth

39:30 NATO and membership of the European Economic Area ( EEA )

43:20 Iceland’s social security system and the POWER of their own currency

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