Islandiak zuzen egin zuen… beste guztiak oker egiten ari dira

Belatzak ez diren ekonomialariak, usoak baizik[1], Islandian gertatu denaren alde azaldu dira. Hona hemen ezagunak diren batzuen hitzak[2].

Islandiak bidea erakutsi zuen:

–          Joe Stiglitz-ek:  Islandiak egin zuena zuzena zen. Oker izan zitekeen etorkizuneko gizaldiak zamatzea finantza sistemaren akatsekin[3].

–          Paul Krugman-ek: [Islandiaren susperraldiak erakutsi du] … zentzugabe joan ziren banku pribatuen hartzekodunek galerak jateko kasua[4].

Bidea hauxe da: bankuek porrot egin dezaten uztea, eta ez etengabe beraiei diru laguntza ematea.

Harrigarria bada ere,  Islandiaren susperraldia Nazioarteko Moneta Fondoak (NMF) ere onartu du[5]. Ez hori bakarrik, zeren NMF-k Islandiaren bidea nolabait ontzat eman zuen[6].

Icenews-ek ere bidea goraipatzen du[7].

Islandiaren bidea eta bide horren goraipatzea goian aipaturiko linkean[8] ikus daitezke. Baita idun zuriko iruzurren auzitara eramateak[9] jokatu zuen rol garrantzitsua ere.

[1]  Ikus, 33. diapositiba. DTM-koak, hontzak direnak diapositiba berean azaltzen dira.

[4] Ikus  Krugman-ek honela gehitu zuen ( “A funny thing happened on the way to economic Armageddon: Iceland’s very desperation made conventional behavior impossible, freeing the nation to break the rules. Where everyone else bailed out the bankers and made the public pay the price, Iceland let the banks go bust and actually expanded its social safety net. Where everyone else was fixated on trying to placate international investors, Iceland imposed temporary controls on the movement of capital to give itself room to maneuver.”

[5]  Ikus  “Iceland holds some key lessons for nations trying to survive bailouts after the island’s approach to its rescue led to a “surprisingly” strong recovery, the International Monetary Fund’s mission chief to the country said.

Iceland’s commitment to its program, a decision to push losses on to bondholders instead of taxpayers and the safeguarding of a welfare system that shielded the unemployed from penury helped propel the nation from collapse toward recovery, according to the Washington-based fund.

Iceland refused to protect creditors in its banks, which failed in 2008 after their debts bloated to 10 times the size of the economy.”

[6]  Ikus  “Key to Iceland’s recovery was [a] program [which] sought to ensure that the restructuring of the banks would not require Icelandic taxpayers to shoulder excessive private sector losses.”

[7]  Ikus  “Experts continue to praise Iceland’s recovery success after the country’s bank bailouts of 2008.

Unlike the US and several countries in the eurozone, Iceland allowed its banking system to fail in the global economic downturn and put the burden on the industry’s creditors rather than taxpayers.


The rebound continues to wow officials, including International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, who recently referred to the Icelandic recovery as “impressive”. And experts continue to reiterate that European officials should look to Iceland for lessons regarding austerity measures and similar issues.”

[9]  Ikus Izan ere, “Iceland has prosecuted the fraudster bank heads (and here and here) and their former prime minister, and their economy is recovering nicely … because trust is being restored in the financial system.”

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