Eskozia bere independentzia monetarioaren alde

Aspaldiko afera da. Eskoziar askok, gehiegik, Europar Distopian kokatu nahi dute beren etorkizuna, eta hori ‘independentzia’ aldarrikatuz, eta berorren erreferenduma eskatuz. Argi gera bedi, kontua hauxe da: independentzia Britainia Handitik (poztekoa, berau) Europar Batasunean, eurogunean, aka, Europar Distopian sartzeko (desastre hutsa!).

EFTA-n egotea irtenbidea izan daiteke, benetako independentzia monetario eta ekonomikoa bultzatuz, baina…

Baina Robin McAlpine bezalako ekonomialari kaskarrek daukate hitzik boteretsuena, dirudienez.

Zertxobait ikusi dugu jadanik:

E-posten trukaketa Robin McAlpine-rekin

(bertan Derek Henry-ren jarrera kritikoa ikus daiteke)

Eskozia Europar Distopian egotearen aurka, ahots batzuk altxatu dira, Warren Mosler eta Bill Mitchell-ena barne…

Warren Mosler:

Warren Mosler Eskozian (Glasgow-n)

Eskozia hasiberrientzat, DTM tartean

Warren Mosler Eskoziako pub batean

Moneta subiranoa: Eskoziako hasiberriarentzako gida

Eskozia: aukera posibleak. Scotland: possible choices

Bill Mitchell:

Bill Mitchell-ek Eskoziaz, berriz (1)

Bill Mitchell-ek Eskoziaz, berriz (2)

Eskoziako independentziari buruzko eztabaida eta DTM

Bill Mitchell: Eskozia independente baterako zenbait gogoeta (1)

Bill Mitchell: Eskozia independente baterako zenbait gogoeta (2)

Eskozia: ohar batzuk independentziaz

Beste ahots kritiko batzuk:

Eskozia independenteak moneta propioa behar du (the new Scotish pound)

Eskozia, adi!

Eskoziako independentziaz eta moneta propioaz, eskoziar baten ikuspuntutik

Eskozia: Ikasgai batzuk

Eskoziako mugimendu ‘independentistaz’ hitz bi, ikus iruzkinak

Eskozia independentea

Eskoziaz, berriz

Eskozia europar distopiarantz

Eskozia europar distopiarantz, Irlandako modeloari jarraituz

Eskozia hondamendirantz, abiadura handian

Eskozia independentea, Europar Batasuna, Espainia, Brexit, …

Eskozia ‘independentea’ Europar Batasunean (aka, Eurozone Dystopia-n)

Denbora galduaren bila (Britainia Handian eta Eskozian)

Derek Henry eskoziarrak hauteskundeak eta geroko giroaz

Derek Henry eta Eskozia (berriz)

Ortodoxia eta Europar Batasuna:

Eskozia: mugimendu ‘independentista’, Robin McAlpine, Richard Murphy, SNP delakoa eta Europar Batasuna

Ortodoxiaren aurka, Eurozone Dystopia delakotik haratago…

Nola ordainduko lituzke Eskozia independente batek zerbitzu publikoak?


(i) Cameron Archibald

Cameron Archibald@MammothWhale


“I really like Common Weal policies, but I’m not a fan of Robin McAlpine.”

CWG is for *SNP members only* and is *not* being run by McAlpine or CW. SNP members run it! So if you want to get involved to build a Green New Deal then join us today…

SNP Common Weal Group

The SNP Common Weal Group is an internal hub which aims to make politics more accessible to SNP members, empowering them to shape the direction of the SNP in achieving a fairer society which puts all…

2020 ots. 24

(ii) An independent Scotland its own currency


@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Give an independent Scotland its own currency

(iii) The Common Weal Group


The Common Weal@Common_Weal

Much credit to founder and convener of @SNP_CWG @Craig_Berry_

who has grafted exceptionally hard to make all of this happen.

He encourages all SNP members who want to see a progressive, transformative vision for #indyref2 with #GreenNewDeal to join:

2020 ots. 24

(iv) SNP Common Weal Group


SNP Common Weal Group@SNP_CWG

After our launch yesterday, we have already received invitations to local branches! If you’re interested in having your branch join the discussion around a #GreenNewDeal then click the link below and send us a message:

CWG | Contact

Contact us

2020 ots. 25

(v) Job Guarantee


Cameron Archibald@MammothWhale

I’m looking forward to speaking @clydebank_snp branch and Rosyth SNP in the fear future on a Scottish Job Guarantee programme and the economic data of independence. If any other branch wants to find out more on this policy don’t hesitate to get in touch!





2020 ots. 25


(a) Pavlina Tcherneva


Cameron Archibald@MammothWhale

And if you’re hungry for more economic knowledge with Scottish independence then it’s vital you also get ready for @ptchernevas new book on a Job Guarantee programme

2020 ots. 23

(b) Stephanie Kelton


Cameron Archibald@MammothWhale

If Scottish independence activists want to debunk the unionist economic argument and control the narrative, I highly recommend you pre-order this book from @StephanieKelton. Get the facts from an actual economist, not pseudo-intellectual bloggers like Kevin Hague



2020 ots. 23

Iruzkinak (1)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude