Denbora galduaren bila (Britainia Handian eta Eskozian)

Proust berriz, orain Britainia Handian (Brexit dela eta) eta Eskozian (independentzia dela eta)


Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope

Impossible to overestimate the damage @UKLabour‘s #Brexit betrayal will do to the socialist cause. The message people will take away is: if it’s not even possible to contest membership of a free trade area, how is one supposed to believe that it’s possible to contest capitalism?

2019 api. 9


Learning from Brexit

A Socialist Stance Toward the European Union

by Costas Lapavitsas


The European left is in a state of weakness and confusion, as was clearly demonstrated in the European elections of May 2019. Its first task is to grasp the fundamental need for rupture with the EU and the EMU. The second and even more difficult task is to construct a political organization capable of expressing the internationalist character of rupture and the prospect of genuine solidarity among European peoples. This is the lesson of Brexit and the true challenge for twenty-first-century socialism in Europe.”




Costas Lapavitsas@C_Lapavitsas

But the answer to Johnson should not be to Remain in the restrictive and undemocratic EU. It should be a left Brexit that would make radical policies possible.

2019 urr. 17



Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope

As if sidestepping (or worse, trying to overturn) Brexit wasn’t bad enough, Labour also paid the price of embracing a neoliberal framing about “fiscal responsibility”. In this article, we explained how Labour was setting itself up for failure by doing so.


Leading proponents of Modern Monetary Theory respond to Tribune’s recent article on the topic, arguing that socialists should not be afraid to

2019 abe. 13



Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope

Hate to say “we told you so” but… we told you so (and got called fascists for doing so).

Why the Left Should Embrace Brexit

Remainers claim that Brexit will be an economic apocalypse. But it provides the opportunity for a radical break with neoliberalism.

2019 abe. 13



Paul Fagan@paulbfagan

Why the Left Should Embrace Brexit. True in April 2018.



vilified at the time.

Why the Left Should Embrace Brexit

Remainers claim that Brexit will be an economic apocalypse. But it provides the opportunity for a radical break with neoliberalism.

2019 abe. 13


Dena da posible Granadan


Sería un error volver a interiorizar una supuesta desorientación generalizada de la izquierda, pues no es cierta, existe un proyecto –a diferencia de hace unos pocos años– del que Corbyn es una buena muestra y que ganará vigencia en un futuro inmediato que hoy se presenta más gris. Un programa que fija en las desigualdades su foco y en la redistribución de la riqueza su palanca de cambio. El problema –global–, radica en las dificultades para hacer llegar ese programa a las clases populares para las que está destinado. Es sobre esta realidad sobre la que se imponen reflexiones urgentes.” (sic)


@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Noski, badago “desorientación generalizada de la izquierda“:

Victoria del Brexit y puerta abierta en Escocia


Victoria del Brexit y puerta abierta en Escocia

2019 abe. 14




Laboristen galtzeko arriskuak haien Brexit-ekiko jarrera islatu ahalko luke

Bill Mitchell-ek britainiar hauteskundeaz


Eskozia: mugimendu ‘independentista’, Robin McAlpine, Richard Murphy, SNP delakoa eta Europar Batasuna

Derek Henry-k:

The second Scottish referendum (if there ever is one) will be lost on the EU issue

Eskozia independentea

Eskoziaz, berriz

Eskozia europar distopiarantz

Eskozia hondamendirantz, abiadura handian

Eskozia independentea, Europar Batasuna, Espainia, Brexit, …

Eskozia ‘independentea’ Europar Batasunean (aka, Eurozone Dystopia-n)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude