ICEC-Euskal Herria eta Warren Mosler (segida)

Hasierarako, ikus ICEC-Euskal Herria eta Warren Mosler,

eta bertan, bereziki ondoko hau: 

 Warren Mosler erabiltzaileak aurkezpen hau ikustera gonbidatu zaitu:

April 26, 2016 Policy options for the eurozone


Gogoratu ditzagun puntu garrantzitsu batzuk:

(I) A plana Mosler-ek plazaratu zuen AEBrako 2012an baino lehenago1

(Euskaraz ikus Mosler-en proposamenak AEBetarako)

Beranduago antzeko plana plazaratu zuen Europarako2

(Euskaraz, ikus Warren Mosler-en proposamenak)

Mosler-ek bidalitakoa (April 26, 2016 Policy options for the eurozone) berak Italian emandako hitzaldi baterako bertsio berria da.

Hona hemen Italian emandako hitzaldia:

I video degli interventi al Forum delle prospettive: Warren Mosler3

L’Italia deve avere un piano B

Bideoa: Forum Delle Prospettive 2016 – Warren Mosler (parte 2)4

(ii) B plana Mosler-ek erabili zuen Europako Banku Zentralari (EBZ) esateko Mosler-ek proposatzen zuena ez bazuen onartu, alegia euroa erabiltzeko aukeran, defizit publikoa areagotzea, zeinak zero euroko kostua suposatzen zuen (eta duen!), orduan aipatutako estatuak eurogunetik alde egingo zuela eta bere moneta propio berria (edozein zelarik haren izena) erabiliko zuela.

Prozesu hori jadanik analizatuta zeukan Mosler-ek5, Quebec dela kausa, eta dolar kanadarretik irteteko hipotesian: Nola irten eurogunetik? Proposamena eta Quebec, berriz ere!

Baina kasurik ez Europan!


(a) Europarrak gara, eta Europar Batasunean, eurogunean, egon nahi dugu


(b) Badakigu, ongi jakin, politika monetarioak6 ez duela funtzionatzen (ezta QE7 delakoak ere), eta defizit publikoa kontrolatzeko neurriek (defizit publikoaren muga BPGren %3 ospetsua!) austeritatea eta langabezia nonahi sorrarazten dituztela

(c) Badakigu, Mosler-i esker, nola funtzionatzen duen sistema monetario batek, eta bereziki Europako euro-sistemak

(d) Badakigu, halaber, EBZ-k euro pila bat8 jar dezakeela euroguneko estatu kideen eskuetan (baita autodeterminazio eskubidea dela praktika eratu daitezkeen estatu berrietako eskuetan ere!)

Alegia, badakigu, oso ongi gainera, posiblea dela defizit publikoa areagotzea Europako gaurko edozein estatu kidetan (baita autodeterminazioaren bitartez eratu daitezkeen estatu berrietan ere), kostua zero euro delarik.

Defizit publikoaren areagotzeaz, EBZ-k ez badigu kasu egingo, eurogunetik alde egitea proposatuko dugu, moneta propio berria erabiliz.

Hori euskaraz ikusia dugu baita ikasia ere. Ikus, besteak beste, ondoko lanak:

(i) Bideragarria ote da euskal estatu independentea?9, eta

(ii) Ongi etorri euskoa!10

Nora joateko moneta propioarekin? EFTA delakora…, alegia, Islandia, Liechtestein, Norvegia eta Suitzarekin batera egoteko.

Beraz, badago irteera duin bat gaurko krisia, austeritatea eta langabezia konpontzeko. Horretarako bi estrategia erabil ditzakegu: lehena euroa erabiliz, defizit publikoa handituz; eta bigarrena moneta propioarekin gauza bertsua eginez

Noski, lan bermea (job guarantee) funtsezkoa da bi proposamen horietan: Pavlina Tcherneva eta lan bermea (job guarantee)

Gehigarri berezia:

Italian bezala, Euskal Herrian ere (in Italia (eta Euskal Herria ere) bidegurutzean)

Suposa dezagun Euskal Errepublika11 martxan jarri dugula…, hots, balediko Euskal Herri independentea gauzatzen ari dela.

Zer egin beharko litzateke ekonomian?

Honela diosku Mosler-ek:

(a) Proposta economica MMT per Italia (edo Euskal Herrirentzat) —>

Defizit publikoa %3tik %8ra igotzea, zeren baitakigu dirua non dagoen: EBZn!

(Ikus Non dago dirua Europar Batasunean?)12

Eta hori onartzen ez badute…, Dare un ultimatum all’Unione Europea.

Eta orduan, eta soilik orduan, hona hemen zer egin beharko genuke:

(b) Italia (edo Euskal Estatua) moneta berria (kasu, lira Italian edo euskoa Euskal Herrian) jaulkitzen hastea, baita moneta berri horretan zergapetzen hastea ere, enplegu osorako beharrezkoa den defizit publikoa erabiliz

Zeregin horretan,

(c) Italiak (edo Euskal Estatuak) ez ditu automatikoki banku gordailuak liratan (euskotan) bilakatuko

(d) Italiak (edo Euskal Estatuak, hots, Euskal Errepublikak) bere Banku Zentralari tramitatuko dio moneta berriko gordailuen %100aren bermea

(e) Italiak (edo Euskal Estatu independenteak), denbora osoan, aldi baterako eta modu iragankorrean, lanpostu bat eskainiko dio lan egin nahi duen eta prest dagoen edozeini, Banku Zentralak finantzatuz

1 Ikus

6 Mosler-ek argi gogoratzen digunez, berak bidalitako lanean.

7 QE delakoaz, gogoratu Quantitative Easing (QE) inozoentzat, PQE (politika fiskala) eta QE (politika monetarioa). Gogoratu, Mosler-en hitzez QE zerga bat da: Europak plazebo bat eztabaidatzen duen bitartean…eta behar dena politika fiskala dela: “Errepika dezagun: … huge increases in fiscal deficits are required…

8 Mario Draghi-ren hitzez, “do what it takes”.Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough”, in Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank at the Global Investment Conference in London 26 July 2012:

11 Horretarako, hona hemen bidea: Autodeterminazio eskubidea eta Konfederazioa, izan ere, AUTODETERMINAZIO eskubidea da giltza bakarra: lehen, orain eta gero.”

12 Gogoratu:”

Andrea Terzi@ndrea_terzi

Draghi unusually offguard could have answerd: ECB is monopolist of euro, can’t run out of money, money is not wealth

(…) ECB can’t run out of money:

So ECB can create money at will. ECB can create as much debt free physical or digital cash as they want. But only big banks (tier1 banks) are allowed to get digital cash since they are the only ones holding central banks accounts. The rest of the society are force into debt to the banks since the only money (besides physical cash) the society can get hold on are the banks so called “credit” that the banks create out of nothing and “lend” out. So why not let ECB create debt free digital cash so that the society can pay off their the debts the banks created from nothing? The simple reason is that the banks don’t wont to lose their debts slaves.”

As Fredrick Soddy, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, put it:
“There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth.
An honest money system is the only alternative.”


“… why not let ECB create debt free digital cash so that the society can pay off their the debts the banks created from nothing?”

Iruzkinak (2)

  • joseba


    Ekonomia berria (in Independentziaren garaia politikan eta ekonomian)

    Politika berriak ekonomia berria eskatzen du.

    Arlo ekonomikoan ‘gauzak’ argi samar daude; gutxienez, batzuek argi daukagu afera.

    Oso ongi dakigunez,

    Europar Batasun osorako, irtenbide bakarra defizit publikoa handitzea da.

    Gogoratu Warren Mosler: Warren Mosler-en proposamenak

    EBZ-k ezetza ematekotan, Lexit eta moneta propioa, moneta berriarekin defizit publikoa handituz.


    Lehengo moneta (euroa) erabiliz gero, baldin eta defizit publikoen handitzea (%3tik %8ra igoz) ahalbidetzen bada, primeran…

    Ezezkoan, moneta propioa erabiliz (kasu, EHn eusko berria), gauza berbera: defizit publikoa handitzea.

    EHko Banku zentral eta Altxor publiko berriak ongi kudeatzeko, hona hemen, Mosler-en ustez, hartu behar den lehen neurria: EHko banku zentralaren interes tasak zero edo ia zero izan behar dira, betiko!

    Interes tasak zerotik oso hurbil egon beharko lirateke, betiko

    (Ingelesez: Federal Reserve Interest Rates Should Be Near Zero Forever: )

  • joseba

    EB: ez dago soluziorik bistan

    Bill Mitchell-en Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union – no solution in sight

    … I considered that there is a single answer to the problem despite the millions of words that the European Commission has published over the last several years, which duck and weave around that solution.
    The single answer is that for the Eurozone to work it must become a true federation, with a European-level fiscal capacity to ensure that total spending in the Eurozone is sufficient to generate enough jobs to satisfy the desire of the workers is assessed.
    The various hybrid schemes that have been proposed by economists in Europe and beyond (unemployment insurance, special blue bonds and the like) will not be sufficient.
    That fiscal capacity has to be embedded within the European Parliament to give the policy regime democratic legitimacy. In other words, the European Council, European Commission would not be responsible for Eurozone-wide fiscal policy.
    Further, the cult of austerity which biases fiscal policy towards fiscal surplus without regard to the economic circumstances (for example, the state of the labour market) has to be abandoned.
    That austerity bias arises because there is a lack of trust among the Member States, something that has been long developed in history and will not change.
    The lack of trust and a lack of collective will means that fiscal policy is reduced to being largely pro-cyclical in impact (net government spending falls at the same time as the non-government cycle is contracting) which is the anathema of responsible fiscal policy design and practice.
    The ECB also would have to become an integrated part of this new federal government economic capacity, which means policies such as overt monetary financing (OMF) would have to be available. That requires a major shift in thinking and Treaty design and means that the ‘Monetary pillar’ is far from “well developed”.
    This federal fiscal capacity would have to allow for the possibility and likelihood of continuous fiscal deficits separate from the automatic stabiliser component – that is full employment deficits – which would allow the non-government sector to save overall and for nations to cope with drains coming from external deficits.
    All the suggestions that have been made by the European Commission to date (unemployment insurance, public investment insurance) are all predicated on fiscal neutrality – balanced fiscal positions. In other words, any stimulus in a downturn would have to be paid back in an upturn.
    The problem is that a balanced fiscal position (deficit equal to zero) may not be (and is most likely not) the most appropriate long-term position for a nation seeking full employment and prosperity and in trying to impose such balance usually results in fiscal policy becoming pro-cyclical.

    … the differences between the European nations are so great that such a shift towards a true federation is highly unlikely despite the fact that the EMU could function effectively if the capacity was developed.
    The other conclusion is that by failing to solve the inherent design problem either by introducing a full federal fiscal capacity or disbanding the monetary union, the European Commission is setting the Eurozone up for the next crisis.
    While there is some growth now, after nearly a decade of malaise, the residual damage from the crisis remains. The private sector still has elevated levels of debt, the banking system is far from recovered (particularly in Italy), the property market is still depressed, governments have elevated levels of foreign-currency debt (euros), and the labour market remains depressed.
    What that means is that when the next economic downturn comes – and economic cycles repeat – the crisis will be magnified and the mechanisms set in place as emergency measures to deal with the GFC will fail immediately.
    It is only a matter of time.

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