Bill Mitchell in We starve the state and public infrastructure development at our peril1.


Forget the so-called Left campaigns that aim for a united democratic Europe2. They will go nowhere.

(a) Kanpaina berria:

There is a new campaign that is gathering pace – LEXIT – or Left Exit.

The LEXIT Network has now launched an Appeal for “Democracy and Popular Sovereignty
instead of Neoliberal Integration and a failed Euro-System
” and is soliciting support.

(b) Kanpaina aurrerakoia:

I rarely sign up to these sorts of movements (including petitions, letters etc). But I have given this (ad)venture my unconditional support because I think it is the only way ahead for a progressive Left future.

(c) Kideak behar dira:

The LEXIT-Network is seeking members and you can sign up to indicate your support – HERE. But please read the general statement to make sure you are okay with it before you sign.

(d) Afera Exit da:

The Network is about EXIT – which means out of the Eurozone, out of the EU, out of so-called free trade agreements etc. It will re-establish national sovereignty and provide progressive forces with a focus on how to push their polities in the desirable direction.

I hope it becomes a massive movement.


Linkak: http://lexit-network.org/links

Deia: http://lexit-network.org/appeal

Zer den: http://lexit-network.org/about

Bloga: http://lexit-network.org/blog

(Badago beste zenbait hizkuntzatan ere.)

2 Bluffik handiena, aka Yanis Varoufakis, dago atzean. Erdara batuan Euskal Herrian, oraindik ere, aupatzen da ezjakin hori: ikus El Brexit no protegerá a Gran Bretaña del horror. Lotsagarri benetan. Haren maisu ohiak, Bill Mitchell-ek aldiz, honela dio: Brexit bikaina da (Zer dela eta Brexit emaitza handia den),


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