Lan bermea: historia eta istorioak

Lan bermeaz zertxobait idatzita dago blog honetan[1].


W. Mosler-ek dioenez[2],

Enplegu osorako politika 1993an hasi zen Mosler-en Soft Currency Economics lanarekin. Bill  Mitchell lehenago hasi zen berak deituriko buffer stock employment lanarekin, geroago job guarantee bilakatu zuena.

1990eko hamarkadaren bukaeran biok, Mosler-ek eta Mitchell-ek, batera idatzi zuten gai horretaz.

1996an Mosler-ek Full Employment and Price Stability izenekoa idatzi zuen. Denbora berean, Pavlina Tcherneva-k Mathematical Model for Full Employment and Price Stability modelo matematikoa plazaratu zuen

1998an Randall Wray-k, Hyman Minsky-ren ikaslea izandakoak, Understanding Modern Money idazti zuen non Minsky-ren employer of last resort (ELR) erabili baitzuen.

2010ean Mosler-ek The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy plazaratu zuen non, berriz, “an employed labor buffer stock policy, vs today’s policy of using an unemployed labor buffer stock” azaldu baitzuen.

Honela segitzen du Mosler-ek,

By that time I had begun framing it as a ‘transition job’ policy, to facilitate the transition from unemployment to private sector employment, recognizing that employers prefer to hire people already working.”

Are gehiago,

“… a few years ago I met with Dean Baker for at least two hours in his office, after he had read my book, discussing the fine points of the various proposals.”

University of Missouri – Kansas City delakoan, UMKC-n, badaude gai horretaz aritu diren ikerlari batzuk: Mat Forstater, Stephanie Kelton, Scott Fullwiler.

Halaber, Jan Kregel-ek eurogunerako proposamen bat plazaratu zuen.

Laburbilduz, azken 20 urte hauetan askotxo idatzi da lan bermeaz.

Hala ere, horrelako inor ez dute aipatu Jared Bernstein-ek eta Dean Baker-ek 2013an argitaratutako liburu honetan[3]: Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better Bargain for Working People.


Stephanie Kelton-ek dioenez[4],

“Berstein & Barker advocate “transitional jobs program” in new book. No reference to @wbmosler who coined phrase or MMT which popularized it.”

Eta Warren Mosler-ek berak dioenez[5],

The only interesting part and the point of this post is the shameless lack of any attribution whatsoever to any of the above mentioned MMT economists for ideas and language ‘copied and pasted’, so to speak.”

Hau mundu hau!

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