Hasierarako, ikus Bill Mitchell-ek Hyman Minsky-z
Mitchell-en ondorio orokorra hauxe da:
“Minsky’s work [ìs not] central to the development of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)”1
Dakigunez, DTM-ko aitaponteko nagusiak hiru dira: Bill Mitchell, Warren Mosler eta Randall Wray (DTM: ortodoxiaren aurkako aukera bakarra eta DTM: hasiera eta bilakaera)
DTM-z jabetzeko, gogoratu ondoko gomendio hauek2:
“Bill Mitchell-i segituz3, DTMz irakurtzean, ondoko prozedura proposatzen dut:
1. Ahantz nor zaren.
2. Ahantz gobernuaz -ona ala txarra- pentsatzen duzuna, berarekin itsatsita zaude.
3. Ahantz pentsatzen duzuna politika sozialaz, ahantz emozio guztiak.
4. Ahantz zer naziotan bizi zaren, ez du axola.
5. Ahantz aldez aurreko kontzeptu ekonomiko guztiak eta prestakuntza (baldin baduzu).
6. Orduan ahalegindu ulertzen irakurtzen duzuna.”
Blog honetan Hyman Minsky-ren lanak aipatu dira, gehienetan (edo beti!) Randall Wray-ren (Minsky-ren ikaslea izandakoa) eta Stephanie Kelton-en eskutik.
Ez dakit Wray-k edo/eta Kelton-en iruzkinen bat edo erantzunen bat egingo dioten Mitchell-en lanari.
Warren Mosler-ek Mitchell-en lana jadanik aipatu du:
Warren B. Mosler-ek bertxiotua: aza 9
Wednesday’s blog (09/11) is now posted (15:59 EAT) – Hyman Minsky was not a guiding light for MMT –
Hyman Minsky was not a guiding light for MMT (http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=34749)
2016 aza. 8
1 Alegia, “I will not try to explain why I think this intellectual shift occurred in Minsky’s work in this blog – that would take me too long and is not something I am particularly interested in writing about, given that I don’t see Minsky’s work as being central to the development of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
I hope that answers some of the issues you have raised in this context.
And, if you haven’t already viewed the Minsky video on YouTube I would waste time doing so.”
joseba says:
Randall Wray:
A Comparison of the Evolution of the Positions of Hyman Minsky and Abba Lerner