Joseph Stiglitz-ek Eskoziako independentziaz

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In Indexed bank reserve support schemes will not expand credit1


Charles J says:

Thursday, September 1, 2016


“FYI Joseph Stiglitz has written a book about the Euro. He advised the Scottish pro-independence side of the the referendum, saying that a currency union with the rest of the UK was viable, but has since changed his mind about that, and the euro. During the 2014 referendum campaign, the Columbia University professor said a currency union between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK could work. The plan to share the pound, which then-Chancellor George Osborne said would not be possible, was based on work by the Fiscal Commission Working Group, a sub-set of the council of economic advisors on which Mr Stiglitz served.

However, in an interview with the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland programme, Mr Stiglitz said that in hindsight this may have been a “mistake”.

Izan ere, hona hemen BBC-ko elkarrizketa hori2.

Aipatutako punturik garrantzitsuenak:

(i) Okerra edo akatsa3

(ii) Herrialde txikiak eta moneta propioa: Islandia4

(Islandiari buruz, gogoratu ondoko linkak: Nazio-estatua ezina omen da; Islandiak frogatzen du nazio-estatua bizirik eta ongi dagoela (1) eta Islandiak frogatzen du nazio-estatua bizirik eta ongi dagoela (eta 2))

(iii) Sturgeon presidentearen jarrera5

(iv) Eskozia independentea, bere moneta propioa erabiliz6: Europar Batasunarekin batzeko?

(v) Trantsizio gisa, soilik?7

(vi) Zertarako? Defizita gutxitzeko? EU-ko paradisuan sartzeko?8

Stiglitz oso urrun dago DTM-ko autoreengandik!

Hala ere, euro-ko Eurolandia eta eurorik gabeko herrialdeak Europar Batasunean berezi nahi bide ditu Nobel saridunak:

(vii) Eurorik gabeko herrialdeak Europar Batasunean?9

Zergatik Eskozia ez aritzea EFTA-ko Islandia, Liechtenstein, Norvegia edo eta Suitza bezala, zeinek bere moneta propioarekin?

Islandiaren eredua hortxe dago: Islandia: eredurik ereduena

2 Ikus Stiglitz: independent Scots currency union plan ‘may have been a mistake’:

3 Ingelesez: “I think in hindsight that may have been a mistake. It would be a mistake to join the euro by the way, so what they would have needed to do is perhaps to resurrect the Scottish pound, and let it float.”

4 Ingelesez: “Small countries can have their currency. Iceland had one of the deepest downturns in 2008 but had one of the strongest recoveries, because it had its own currency.”

5 Ingelesez: “Ms Sturgeon and her government are studying Scotland’s options for future relations with the EU in the aftermath of the Brexit vote, with possibilities including a second push for independence on the table.

6 Ingelesez: “Mr Stiglitz said an independent Scotland adopting its own currency could smooth the path to joining the EU, which normally requires new members to adopt the euro.”

7 Ingelesez: “He said: “A Scottish pound could be viewed as a transition.””

8 Ingelesez: “An important point to realise is that if there were a Scottish pound floating, it could help stimulate the Scottish economy, so the deficit would come down. That would make it acceptable to join the EU.

9 Ingelesez: “I think there’s going to be a greater willingness going forward within Europe for countries to be a member of the EU but not have the Euro. Sweden doesn’t have the Euro, the UK did not have the Euro, so they have shown a willingness to accept countries into the EU without joining the Euro“.”

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