Ignacio Ramonet: txanponaren bi aldeak

Ramonet: txarra, oso txarra ekonomian; ona, oso ona informazioan eta politikan.

Ramonet-i egindako elkarrizketa: http://www.publico.es/internacional/ignacio-ramonet-entrevista-imperio-vigilancia.html

Liburua: El Imperio de la vigilancia (Clave Intelectual)

(A) Txarra, oso txarra ekonomian

…. si cuatro o cinco países, entre ellos un gran país, o dos, Grecia, Italia, Francia, España, más Portugal, por tomar el área mediterránea, entonces sería otra cosa. Para eso hay que ganar elecciones, hay que imaginar un Tsipras en Francia o en Alemania, claro. Es el proyecto de Varoufakis, cuando dice que hay que democratizar la UE (sic). Si hay una masa crítica, democrática, que pide este tipo de transformaciones, entonces la UE podrá ser cambiada en ese momento, pero actualmente no está hecha para esos cambios, que son inconcebibles.”

Galduta erabat galduta, Varoufakis bezala, Europako ezker ofizial osoa bezala, Euskal Herriko ezker abertzale bezala…

Gogoratu ondoko link hauetan dagoena:

(a) Etorkizunera itzultzea (Back to the future)

(b) Varoufakis-en azken (aurreko) xelebrekeria

(c) Warren Mosler eta Yanis Varoufakis

(d) Etxepare gaurkotua (halabeharrez!)

(e) Yanis Varoufakis: elkarrizketa

Bill Mitchell-en zehaztasunaK:

(f) Europako zirkuak bere horretan segitzen du

(g) Nazio-estatua ezina omen da

Gehiago, ondorengo link hauetan:

(h) Greziako orakuluak segitzen du, etengabe, bere sakoneko ezjakintasunean

(i) CUP: Entrevista (elkarrizketa)

Bukatzeko, ondoko hauek:

(j) Varoufakis’ pipe dream (ezinezko ametsa)


Bill Mitchell-ek Brexit dela eta, oraintsu argitaratutako lana: If I was [were] in Britain I would not want to be in the EU1, non Britainia Handia ukituz gain, Kataluniaz2 ere aritzen den.

(B) Ona, oso ona informazioan eta politikan

Zipriztin batzuk:

(i) Internet ha ampliado el perímetro de nuestra libertad. El acceso a internet es, visto desde un punto de vista social, un derecho

(ii) Internet ha permitido una especie de insurrección pasiva social que está cambiando la política. El resultado es una destrucción de los pilares políticos en la mayoría de los países”

Gaurko Edward Snowden eta Julian Assange aipatuz, George Orwell ekartzen du gogora Ramonet-ek, eta segurtasunaren eta askatasunaren arteko aukera egitekotan, Benjamin Franklin gogoratzen du:

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one


2 Kataluniaz, irakur ondokoa, ingelesez: “In May, I will be doing a two week lecture tour of Spain promoting the soon-to-be-released Spanish translation of my book – Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale. Full details will be forthcoming soon, if you are interested.

I’ll spend some time in Barcelona and will meet with some of the protagonists pushing for independence of Catalonia.

My position on that issue hasn’t changed in recent years and I fully support their desire to break away from Spain. However, as I outlined in this blog Catalonia’s vote largely misses the pointit can only achieve true sovereignty if it abandons the euro and all the destructive restrictions and rules that go with being a Member State of that dysfunctional monetary system.

My evaluation of the Catalonian position is that it should develop its own independent nation and use its own currency to build on its prosperity. It certainly has the economic structure in which to prosper materially.

Britain is in a better position than Catalonia, because as a result of the foresight by Margaret Thatcher they avoided entry into the monetary system.

Thatcher understood that the joining the Economic and Monetary Union would be an imposition on Britain’s sovereignty. Her Government ‘would not be prepared to have a single currency imposed upon us, nor to surrender the use of the pound sterling as our currency’ (House of Commons Hansard, 1990a).”


As a Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) proponent, the sovereignty of the currency-issuer is an overwhelming priority in terms of organising the monetary system.

Once the government has that capacity it can always do the best for the people given external circumstances. The best might in some cases not be very good but that would reflect real resource constraints etc, something that Britain is not particularly troubled by.

The next priority is to ensure that all economic policy institutions are accountable and responsible to the people who can regularly cast votes to affirm their approval or otherwise of the economic direction the nation is taking.

A currency-issuing government should never cede policy-making powers to an external body unless it is via intergovernmental agreement and is ratified (implicitly or by referendum) by the domestic political process.

The EU membership for Britain is the anathema of these principles.”

“And equating exit with xenophobia and nationalism is another sideshow that should be ignored for what it is – a ridiculous ploy to obscure what is going on.

I am not big on national identity. But I am huge on sovereign currency capacities and unless nations decide to merge or break away (such as South Sudan, and hopefully Catalonia and Scotland) then the current geography is it!

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude