Tarteko gorabeherak

Europan gertatu den “Gizateriaren aurkako krimenik handiena” (Mosler-ek dixit) ikusi dugun bitartean, poker jolas bat balitz bezala, joko makabroak aurrera segitzen du. Tragikomediak jarraitzen du. Noiz arte?

(Behean albiste batzuk gorabehera horietaz, hitz gutxiz.)

1) Failed Discipline, Failed Reforms And Grexit: Why The Euro Failed1

Hitz-jario itzela…

.. hauxe esateko: This is why Greece has no choice but to exit the euro.

This is why Greece has no choice but to exit the euro. The politicos in the EU will “do whatever it takes” to extend the fantasy their discipline is equal to the discipline of the FX market, but everyone knows it’s all PR (public relations) and lies.”

2) “In The End Capital Controls Will Probably Have To Be Imposed” – Eurogroup Official2

“Unless Athens agrees an extended aid programme soon,keeping ELA capped would put lenders in a funding squeeze that could require the introduction of capital controls to limit savers taking out more of their money, the sources said.

Frustration with Greece is growing. Euro zone finance ministers have given Athens until the end of the week to request an extension or lose financial assistance when the bailout expires at the end of February. “

3) “The Great Game Of Poker Over The Future of The Euro”3

There is a great game of poker taking place for the future of this currency,

4) Greece is set to request a loan extension, reports say4

Greece is expected to request a six-month extension of its loan agreement on Wednesday, according to reports.

The loan would not be an extension of the current bailout agreement, which includes strict austerity measures, Greek government officials were quoted as saying.”

The beginning of the end (Bukaeraren hasiera)

5) Stocks In Holding Pattern With All Eyes On Draghi And Whether ECB Will Pull Greek Liquidity

Sources indicated that the ECB is considering removing ELA for Greek banks in order to increase pressure on Greece to accept an extension of their current bailout programme. However, sources said the ECB are unlikely to do that immediately.”

6) Greek Government Blasts Germany’s Arrogance: “It’s Like Being Asked To Surrender Back In The 1940s”6

The €240bn bailout, which came with more than 400 conditions – including reducing the public sector, shrinking pensions and lowering the minimum wage – expires in 10 days.”


7) Greece To Run Out Of Cash In Under One Week7

…what all this means is that the Greek D-Day of February 28 will have to come much sooner, as Greece simply does not have the funds to last that long. The only question is whether the Syriza leadership will finally fold to Europe (most likely within the next 24-48 hours), or exit the Eurozone.”

8) ECB To Grant Greece Additional €3 Billion In Emergency Liquidity, €68.3 Billion Total8



Which means that the cat and mouse game between Greece and Europe will continue for at least one more week, because that’s when, according to Kathimerini’s Greek sources, the nation runs out of state cash which will have the same impact on the Greek negotiating leverage as a full-blown bank run, which of course has still not been mitigated and in fact is likely only to get worse in the coming days absent a deal of some sort.

In retrospect, Draghi may not have had to do anything to accelerate the resolution in the Europe vs Greece standoff: it looks like Greece did that work for him.”

Americar bilioi bat: 109

9) Greek bank liquidity9

As previously discussed, and relayed to the finance minister in Greece, there is no reason to assume the ECB will cut off liquidity to Greek banks.

First, those banks are private institutions, and regulated and supervised by the ECB, who has deemed them ‘solvent’ and ‘adequately capitalized’ and therefore eligible for liquidity support as members in good standing.”

ECB extends liquity for Greek banks: Report

Aipatutakoak esan nahi du ELA-k (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) funtzionatzen duela, bi asterako, Bill Mitchell-ek gogoratu zuenez10.

Towards the end (Bukaerarantz)

10) Nominalismoa

Ez dakigu nolako bukaera zehatza izango duen tragikomedia honek.

Ahalegindu gaitezen asmatzen…

Bailout, erreskatea, diru laguntza, finantza laguntza,…

Maileguaren luzapena eskatuko bide du Greziak.

Orain ‘maileguaren luzapena’ da afera, ez ‘erreskatea’, eta noski denboraldi baterako. Badirudi ‘ezkerrak’ bere ospe ona gorde nahi duela!?

‘Erreskate’ hitza ezin da aipatu.

Ez orain Grezian, ezta lehen Espainian ere. Alta biek erreskatea jasan (Greziak jasango) dute, denboraldi baterako, noski.

(Falta zaiguna jakiteko: zer baldintzatan egingo den erreskatea, sorry, maileguaren luzapen hori.)

Dena den, denboraldi hori igaro ondoren, egoera bertsuan egongo da Grezia.

Komediak segitzen du.

Laster tragikomedia bilakatuko da komedia hori, zoritxarrez, aipatutako ‘denboraldi’ hori pasatu eta gero.

11) Game is over!

Zarata asko, gehiegi. Hitz mordoa. Ideia berri gutxi. Azkenean, ná de ná.

Baina noski, Syriza ‘ezkertiarra’ da. Of course! Noski. Definizioz. Bagenekien!

#BoomBust: Greece: weak position because refusal to consider Grexit [VIDEO]



Sei edo bederatzi hilabete barru (aipaturiko ‘maileguaren luzapen’aren denboraldia) egoera bertsuan, ala okerragoan!, egongo da Grezia… eta holatsu hurrengo hauteskundeak iritsi arte.

Warren Mosler-en11 eta Bill Mitchell-en12 bidez, Greziarako irtenbidea, Grexit alegia, blog honetan oso garbi geratu da.

Gogoratzekoa: austeritatearen aurka jotzeko, Europan badago irtenbide bat, herrialde bakoitzak bere moneta propioa erabiliz, eta EFTA-n13 sartuz.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude