Syriza: Thessaloniki programa

Zertan datzaThessaloniki programa1?

Bi aipamen berezi:

a) Defizitari dagokiona: “proposing a set of policies oriented towards reversing austerity measures while maintaining a balanced budget.”

b) Finantziazioari dagokionez, ““European New Deal” of large-scale public investment by the European Investment Bank, extended quantitative easing by the European Central Bank, and a conference for the reduction of Greek and southern European debt modeled on the London Debt Agreement of 1953.”

Programa hori beste izen batekin ezaguna dugu: A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Eurozone Crisis.

Warren Molser-ek egindako kritika zorrotza:

A modest response:


Yanis Varoufakis-en laguna den Bill Mitchell-en kritika:

Lagun horren hitzak, European Investment Fund delakoaz:

“… it is the role of academic commentators to discuss conceptual matters and provide knowledge in that way. (…)

I am wishing Greece the best and hope like hell they get the European Investment Fund to act as a federal-type fiscal authority and pump much needed aggregate spending into the Greek economy so that the Greek government can run its balanced budget and still attain full employment.

But the question remains – if that was likely, why hasn’t it happened to date given the massive real damage that austerity has inflicted on all the Member State economies, including Germany.

I suspect there is little will to adopt such a ‘federal’ stimulus act. Besides, the funds would still come from the Member States rather than where they should come from and that is the ECB.”

Bukatzeko, defizitak direla eta, gogoratu Stephanie Kelton-en aspaldiko lana, orain gogoratua:

Berdin dio!

Syriza ezkertiarra da, definizioz. Italiako ezker ofiziala den moduan, Espainia una grande y libre-ko IU eta Podemos diren moduan. Laurek defizit ‘orekatuak’ planteatzen dituzte, laurek eurogunean segitu nahi dute, laurak austeritatearen aurka omen daude, laurak zirkulu karratuaren bila dauden bitartean…

Europako ezker ofizial guztiek ez dute ulertzen monetak nola funtzionatzen duen, defiziten eta superabiten afera zertan datzan, bonoen salerosketen afera nola konpon daitekeen…

Dakiten bakarra hauxe da: gu ‘ezkertiarrak’ gara.

Gora gu eta gutarrak!, zeren gu ezkertiarrak baikara, … definizioz noski, nahiz eta ezintasunean eta zorabioan murgilduta egon…

Hauxe da gure helburu nagusia: Grial santua topatzea:,hots, zirkulu karratua aurkitzea.

Galdera soil bat: zein da Europarako EHko ezker abertzale ‘ofizial’ edo eta ez ofizialaren programa?

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude