Hamaika TBn: Syrisaz

Orain dela zenbait egun grabatutakoa:

http://www.hamaika.eus/nahieran/ikusi/79290 eta http://www.hamaika.eus/nahieran/ikusi/79291

(Esandakoa argitzeko, ikus https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2015/02/01/greziako-zorraz-bi-hitz-gehigarria/)

Syriza (koalizioa) ezkertiarra ote?

Irakur ondoko linkak:





Pribatizazioa, balantze orekatuak, defizit publikorik eza… Belaunaldi oso bat galtzeko proposamenak plazaratuz…

Neoliberalismoaren teoria eta praktika onartuz, izan al daiteke koalizio bat ezkertiarra?


Agian honela?

Germany to Greece: We agree to disagree (https://euobserver.com/political/127513):


He [Varoufakis] said not all the measures attached to the current bailout program are wrong, noting that the Syriza government would take on about 60-70 percent of the reforms.“

Greziako afera hasi da, besterik ez!

Zer gehiago ikusiko eta irakurriko dugu?

Pena da, argi gera bedi…

Irakur dezagun Bill Mitchell-en lantxo berria1:

it is the role of academic commentators to discuss conceptual matters and provide knowledge in that way. (…)

I am wishing Greece the best and hope like hell they get the European Investment Fund to act as a federal-type fiscal authority and pump much needed aggregate spending into the Greek economy so that the Greek government can run its balanced budget and still attain full employment.

But the question remains – if that was likely, why hasn’t it happened to date given the massive real damage that austerity has inflicted on all the Member State economies, including Germany.

I suspect there is little will to adopt such a ‘federal’ stimulus act. Besides, the funds would still come from the Member States rather than where they should come from and that is the ECB.”

1 Ikus Friday lay day – RBA acknowledges failure of government fiscal policy: http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=30123#more-30123.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude