Syrizaz eta Greziaz hitz batzuk (2)

Hasierarako, ikus Syrizaz eta Greziaz hitz batzuk (1)1.

Hona hemen Greziari buruzko bi aipamen berri:

i) Bill Black: Greece, the Troika, and the New York Times2

ii) W. Mosler: Comments on Greece3

Ikus dezagun.

Black-en iritziz, Mitchell aipatuz, gobernuek langabeziaren tasa aukeratzen dute4.

Arazoa, jadanik ongi dakigunez, moneta subiranotasunean datza5; gainera,Troika eta Alemania nagusiak dira6.

Syriza Greziaren subiranotasuna berreskuratzearen alde bide dago7.

Suzanne Daley kazetariak datu adierazgarriak plazaratu ditu NY Times delakoan: austeritatea8, langabezia9,…

(Ikus linka.)

Baina Black-ek dioenez,

the article does not explain why Greece suffers from a Great Depression that exceeds in severity and length the original Great Depression or why Greece has long-term, massive unemployment.The article offers no explanation of why austerity could cause unemployment and a recession and no explanation of why and how counter-cyclical fiscal policies could have prevented these disasters.”

What about Syriza?

Zein da Syriza-koen programa ‘berria’?

(Gogoratu Bill Mitchell-en ondoko artikulua: Greece – two alternative views:

Mosler-en aburuz:

a) Zorraren edozein gutxitzek euroko aktibo finantzarioak ezabatzen ditu, eta berori deflazio jarrera izanik, euroa eskuratzeko zailagoa egiten ditu10, beraz moneta tinkotuz.

b) Greziak aurrekontu defizita izan du, zeinak euroak errazago eskuratzeko egiten dituen. Beraz, Greziak eurogunea uzten badu, euroko aktibo finantzarioak ere joaten dira, funtsean euroa finkatuz ere11.


And any Greek contribution to the euro trade surplus would be lost, which would work to weaken the euro.

Not that markets would initially react this way!!!”

Aspaldian proposatu zuen Mosler-ek Greziarako irtenbidea12.

Gainera, Warren Mosler-ek Italiari buruz13 esandakoa Grezian ere aplika daiteke. Izan ere, irtenbide duin eta zehatz horrek Italiarako beste Greziarako ere balio du.

4 Ingelesez: “As Bill Mitchell always emphasizes, governments choose the level of unemployment – and the Troika and the Greek leaders who succumbed to its extortion have chosen to create catastrophic rates of unemployment in Greece that continue a full six years after the peak of the crisis. Greece is suffering from Great Depression levels of unemployment and lost GDP.”

5Ingelesez: “Greece has neither a sovereign currency nor any true sovereignty.

6 Ingelesez: “The troika, at the insistence of the Germans, successfully extorted the Greek elites into cancelling the referendum on austerity and forced a de facto coup. Germany is the EU’s hyper-power. It dominates the EU’s political and economic policies and institutions.”

7 Ingelesez: “Syriza calls for the restoration of Greek sovereignty and ending the economic malpractice known as austerity. If it succeeds in the election, and if it holds true to its campaign promises, Syriza poses a grave threat to German rule. Germany openly opposes Syriza coming to power through democratic elections and any resumption of Greek sovereignty.

8 Ingelesez: Nowhere have austerity policies been more aggressively tried — and generally failed to live up to results promised by advocates — than in Greece. After more than four years of belt tightening, patience is wearing thin, and tentative signs of improvement have not yet trickled down into the lives of average Greeks.”

9Ingelesez: “Last year, the national unemployment rate reached 27 percent, and the vast majority of out-of-work Greeks have not had a paycheck in more than two years.”

10 Ingelesez: “A default/restructure/debt reduction of any form removes euro financial assets and is a contractionary/deflationary bias that makes euro ‘harder to get’ and thereby firms the currency.”

11 Ingelesez: “Also, Greece has been running a budget deficit, which adds net euro the global economy, making euro easier to get, etc. so if Greece leaves the euro that source of net euro financial assets goes away as well, also fundamentally firming the euro.”

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