E-dirua, zergak, sasi-monetak eta… urre estandarra

E-dirua edo diru elektronikoa:PayPal delakoa[1].

Ikus dezagun PayPal diru elektronikoko fundatzaileak dioena[2].

Zergek dirua zuzentzen dute.”

Izan ere,

Ultimately, USA demand for PayPal money is driven by Uncle Sam’s taxes.”

Eta Bitcoin delakoaz,

He knows that BitCoin is not a rival. BitCoin is not denominated in US currency, and has no taxes behind it. BitCoin is driven by drug dealers and speculators.”

Hona hemen John Carney-k Peter Thiel-i egindako elkarrizketa[3].

Eta R. Wray-k, artikulu hori komentatuz, dioenez,

Oh, I know, someone will comment that PayPal is not using sovereign currency–it is e-money, all electronic. However, PayPal essentially operates as an intermediary between banks and recipients, with PayPal accounts funded by debits to bank accounts or advances through credit card accounts. Uncle Sam does not protect PayPal, but it does stand behind the banks that provide accounts and credit cards.”


And Uncle Sam’s taxes ensure there will be a demand for “that in which taxes can be paid”.”

Eta Euskal Herrian?

EHn, ezjakintasuna hedatuz doa, etengabe.

Izan ere, jadanik ikusi dugunez, “Zergak eta dirua” izeneko gaia dela eta:

–        https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2011/08/11/zergak-eta-dirua-jaulkitzea/

–        https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/02/02/ben-bernanke-eta-dirua-inprimatzea/

–        https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/06/17/diruari-buruz-pentsatzen-duzuna-okerra-da/

–        https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/08/24/dirua-garrantzi-handikoa-da/


Hala ere, Euskal Herrian,

a)      Oraindik ere, sasi-monetak erabiltzea goraipatzen da[4]. Batzuek Iparraldean batez ere, euskoa moneta faltsua segitzen dute bultzatzen. Noiz arte?

b)      Iruzurra hedatuz doa. Orain, dirudienez, eusko elektronikoa martxan jarri nahi dute[5].

c)      Beste batzuek urreak mundu mailako erreserba ‘moneta’ (sic) izaten segitzen duela diote, behin eta berriz.

Hezteko, astoak izaten ez segitzeko, ikus Mosler-ek urre estandarraz dioena[6].

Bai, egia da, Euskal Herrian ezjakintasuna hedatuz doa, etengabe.


[1] Ikus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal.

[2] Ikus Founder of PayPal Says Taxes Drive Money:


[3] Ikus http://www.vox.com/2014/11/14/7213833/peter-thiel-palantir-paypal. Aipurik interesgarrienak hemen, ingelesez:

In a recent interview Web site Vox, Mr. Thiel linked the value of money to the requirement that taxes be paid in the government’s currency. “You will not be able to pay your taxes in Bitcoin. You have to pay them in dollars. If you don’t pay them with dollars, there will be people who will show up with guns to make you pay them,” Mr. Thiel said.

The idea that taxes drive the value of money—known as chartalism—goes back at least as far as German economist Georg Friedrich Knapp’s 1905 book “The State Theory of Money.” Its proponents contrast it with the view that money gets its value from either its link to a commodity or from its acceptance as a medium of exchange.http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/11/21/peter-thiel-explains-why-bitcoin-isnt-money/?mod=WSJBlog.

[4] Blog honetan aspertu arte salatu dugu etengabeko iruzur hori. Aski eta sobera!

[5] Ikus “Eusko” moneta elektronikoruntz. http://www.enbata.info/articles/eusko-moneta-elektronikoruntz.

[6] Ikus Gold standard thoughts:


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