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Zertan ari dira ekonomialariak gaur egunean?

Hauxe dio Edward Hadas-ek[1]:

Oro har, teoria handiak erabiltzen dituzte, kontzeptu abstraktu pilo batekin[2].

Gaur egungo sistema ekonomikoak gaizki funtzionatzen du[3].

Autoritate monetarioak teoria handi bat martxan hartzen ahalegindu dira, finantzaz eta ekonomiaz funtsean okerra den teoria bat. Banku zentraletan aritzen diren ia guztiak moneta erreminta batez arduratzen dira, interes tasa, eta beldur dira gobernuak dirua sortzeko, ezabatzeko eta gidatzeko daukan botere infinituaz.

Hadas-ek dioenez, bide hobe bat dago, Diru Teoria Modernoa[4].

Banku zentraletako bankariek gobernuekin (zeintzuek haiei agindua ematen  dieten) batera lan eginez, erreminta zehatzago eta boteretsuagoak garatu ditzakete. Horrela bankari horiek eskuragarriak dituzten erreserba infinituak kudeatu ahalko dituzte.

Autoritateak ezin izango du dudatan jarri bere botere monetario eta erregulatzailea erabiltzea. Kasurako, eskaria ez egokia denean, egoera hori ez da nahastu behar gaueko interes tasekin, baizik berriki sorturiko dirua bankuetara igaro edo zuzenean banku kontuetan ezarri. 2008an bezalaxe, beldurrak jarduera ekonomikoak moteltzeko mehatxatzen badu, autoritateak sistemaren finantza erreserba infinituetatik batzuk berehala erabil ditzakete. Industria batean, eskualde batean edo erakunde batean atzerapauso bat baldin badago, diru berria jar dezakete behar den lekuetan, kaltea ez hedatzearren.

Noski, denbora igaro behar da politikariei eta ekonomialariei konbentzitzeko kontrol monetario zuzen eta emankorren bertuteaz[5].


[1]  Ikus http://www.breakingviews.com/edward-hadas-central-bankers-reward-for-failure/21161881.article.

[2] Ingelesez: “…most professional economists  (…) generally work with grand theories about such abstract concepts as equilibrium interest rates and economic cycles. They rely on idealised concepts like “the firm,” risk premiums and gross domestic product. Their simplifying equations are impressive, but not very useful.”

[3]  Ingelesez: “…The system actually works badly. In the 2008 crisis, the failure of one big bank nearly brought the global financial system down, and was followed by six years of not very effective monetary policies.”

[4] Ingelesez; “…There is a better way, suggested by a small group of economists known as “chartalists.” The group was inspired by Abba Lerner (…) Modern Monetary Theory, developed by Larry Randall Wray of the Levy Economics Institute, is the latest articulation. It starts with the recognition that all money is fundamentally and inevitably a tool of government policy.The authorities are not custodians of an independent financial system. Rather, they create that system and have both the responsibility and the power to keep it intact.”

[5]  Honela kukatzen du Habas-ek:  “… eta denbora gehiago behar izango da, “to develop and master an activist monetary toolkit. There would undoubtedly be setbacks, as there were in the development of all the parts of the economy which now run much more smoothly than finance. (…) The financial system and the whole economy deserve something more flexible, safer…”


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