Burbuilak nonahi

Bai burbuilak. Bai nonahi.

Hona hemen Michael Snyder-ek dioena[1]:

i)                 Ez dago inolako dudarik burbila ekonomia batean bizi garela AEBn[2]

ii)                Gauza bera esan daiteke gainontzeko munduaz[3]

iii)               Eta burbuilak azkenean lehertzen dira[4]

iv)               The New York Times-ek ere burbuilak nonahi daudela dio[5]

v)                Akzio merkatuko inongo burbuilak irauten du betiko[6]

vi)               Banku zentraleko bankariak hasi dira horretaz ohartarazten[7]

Hori gutxi balitz, AEBko zor globala handituz joan da[8].

Eta, ondorioz, galdera bat:

Jasangarria al da hori guztia?

Noski ezetz.  Horrelako burbuila bat ere ez, ez da jasangarria.

Afera ez dagokio “baldin eta…” delakoari. Galdera “noiz?” da.

So what do you think?

How much time do you believe that we have before these bubbles start to burst?

Hemen ‘berri’ gehiago:



Egin dezagun sakoneko galdera, berriro ere: “Eta 2007ko krisiaren antzekoa, ala gogorragoa, berriz, ekarriko balute?

Zeren krisiak ez baitira ‘berez‘ etortzen…

(Zabaldu, arren. Be sociable, share.)

[2] Ingelesez: At this moment in the United States we are simultaneously experiencing a stock market bubble, a government debt bubble, a corporate bond bubble, a bubble in San Francisco real estate, a farmland bubble, a derivatives bubble and a student loan debt bubble.”

[3]  Ingelesez: “And of course similar things could be said about most of the rest of the planet as well.  In fact, the total amount of government debt around the world has risen by about 40 percent just since the last recession.”

[4]  Ingelesez: “History has shown us that all financial bubbles eventually burst.  And when these current financial bubbles in America burst, the pain is going to be absolutely enormous.”

[6] Ingelesez: “No stock market bubble lasts forever.  For a whole bunch of technical reasons why serious market turmoil is on the horizon, please see a recent Forbes article entitled “These 23 Charts Prove That Stocks Are Heading For A Devastating Crash.”

[7]  Kasurako, ikus BIS-ek (Bank for International Settlements) dioena: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-06-29/bis-slams-market-euphoria-finds-puzzling-disconnect-between-economy-and-market.

Ingelesez: “The Bank for International Settlements has warned that “euphoric” financial markets have become detached from the reality of a lingering post-crisis malaise, as it called for governments to ditch policies that risk stoking unsustainable asset booms.”

[8] Ingelesez: “In a previous article, I shared a chart which shows the incredible growth of total debt in the United States.  Over the past 40 years, it has gone from about 2.2 trillion dollars to nearly 60 trillion dollars...”

(AEBko trilioi bat = 1012.)


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