Ez lo egiteko datuak?

Istorioak izan zitezkeen, baina ez dira.

Ipuinak izan zitezkeen, baina ez dira.

Datuak dira, datu soilak…

(i)                Lehen testuingurua, 2008an: Wall Street-ko sozialismoa[1].

Beranduago: WS hasiberrientzat[2]. DTM-ko delakoek WS-en aurka[3].

(ii)              Informazio zahar berritua[4].

(iii)             Bigarren testuingurua, 2008an: Deribatuak eta Alan Greenspan[5].

(iv)             Informazio berria[6].

Datu kezkagarriak?

Zuk erabaki, erabakitze aroan omen bide gaude eta!

[4]  Ikus http://wallstreetonparade.com/2014/06/a-disappeared-book-on-wall-street-history-provides-a-dead-serious-warning/.

Alan Greenspan-ez, ingelesez: “Equally important, the book’s exquisite detailing of the unending hubris and calamitous crashes of these Wall Street titans of yesteryear before the passage of the Glass-Steagall Act annihilates the preposterous platform unleashed on a naïve, financial-history-deprived nation by former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan who helped push through the deregulation of Wall Street in the late 90s and early 2000s. That flaky theory, completely debunked by historical fact when you can find it, was that upstanding men on Wall Street would look out for the good of the country because it was in their own interests to do so. After the economy crashed at the hands of these greed-obsessed men in the Great Recession, Greenspan offered a scarred nation these words of apology: “I got it wrong.”

[6]  Ikus https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/04/29/deribatuak-behin-eta-berriz/.

Halaber, ikus http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/12-numbers-about-the-global-financial-ponzi-scheme-that-should-be-burned-into-your-brain.

Ingelesez: Most people tend to assume that the “authorities” have fixed whatever caused the financial world to almost end back in 2008, but that is not the case at all.

In fact, the total amount of government debt around the globe has grown by about 40 percent since then, and the “too big to fail banks” have collectively gotten 37 percent larger since then” (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/we-are-in-far-worse-shape-than-we-were-just-prior-to-the-last-great-financial-crisis).

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