Wall Street… hasiberrientzat!

1. Wall Street-ek agintzen du

Hasierarako, ikus 2008an idatzitakoa, Michael Hudson-en eskutik[1], baita 2009an idatzitakoa ere.  

2. Ekonomia zurrupatzen dute: banpiroak dira

Randall Wray berriki gaiari heldu zaio[2].                             

Ikus ditzagun zenbait puntu:

Economic rent: produkzio faktoreak mobilizatzeko behar dena baino handiagoko ordainketa

Rentiers: erosleei lukuriozko terminoak jartzeko gai direnak

J. M. Keynes-ek proposatutakoa[3]: “euthanizing” the rentier.

Rentier-aren gaurko baliokidea Wall Street da[4]. Wall Street-ek bankugintza utzi du[5].

(Gehigarrian ondoko linkean[6].)

Wray-en ustez, izorratuta gaude[7]:

“…without regulation, capitalism is thievery. We stopped regulating the financial system, so thieves took over.”

3. Banpiroen aurka

R. Wray-k berriz[8], Lynn Parramore-ren lana aipatuz[9]:

Wall Street-ek ahalmen produktiboa deuseztatzen du[10].

Irtenbide bakarra:

“The only effective barrier is government regulation and supervision to constrain finance’s reach.”


i)                 Merkatuek ez dute baliorik kreatzen, ahalmen produktiboan inbertitzen duten erakundeek baizik

ii)                Korporazioen baliabide finantzarioa ahalmen produktiboan inbertitzea

iii)               Akziodunen balio ideologia suntsigarria da

iv)               Enplegu kontratuak erregulatzea

v)                Lan programak kreatzea

vi)               Zerga sistema berrikuntzari begira egotea[11]

[3] Wray-k dioenez: “…the rentier performs no useful function, and the economic rent can be eliminated without reducing the supply of the resources needed for production. This is why J.M. Keynes advocating “euthanizing” the rentier. As you know, “euthanasia” means “mercy killing”—you kill to reduce pain and suffering. Keynes was serious about this—his recommendation came in the final chapter of his great General Theory, as one of his two fundamental policy proposals. (For completeness, the other was a “somewhat comprehensive socialisation of investment”.)

[4] Wray-k, berriz: “Today’s equivalent is Wall Street. It serves no interest other than its own. It adds economic rent to all economic activity in our society, sucking the lifeblood out of the economy. Wall Street is our rentier class. (…) The Vampire Squid financialized everything and buried all economic activity under mountains of debt…”

[5] Wray-k: “…Wall Street does not do banking any more. There’s not enough economic rent in that. So over the past three decades they have pushed the nation’s regulators, like the SEC and the Fed, to allow them to stick their tentacles into every nook and cranny of our nation’s economy, creating and funneling economic rents that strangle the economic system. In case after case, the regulators take an exceedingly narrow view of their responsibility as they allow “financial” institutions to take control of our energy supply, our food supply, our water supply.”

[10] “…Vampires are pulling out income that could have gone to financing innovations. Worse than that, Wall Street directs economic activity to rent extraction rather than production–so we do not even use the productive capacity and innovations that we already have. Instead, Wall Street buys up and dismantles the productive capacity.”

[11] Ingelesez:

    Understand that markets don’t create value, but that organizations investing in productive capabilities, like business, governments, and households do.

    Ban stock repurchases by U.S. corporations so corporate financial resources can be channeled to innovation and job creation instead of wasted for the purpose of jacking up companies’ stock prices.

    Realize that the shareholder value ideology is destructive and will cause us to lag behind other countries that don’t subscribe to it.

    Regulate employment contracts to ensure that workers who contribute to the innovation process get to share in the gains from innovation.

    Create work programs that make use of and enhance the productive capabilities of educated and experienced workers whose human capital would otherwise deteriorate through lack of other relevant employment.

    Move toward a tax system that channels some of the money made on the gains from innovation toward government agencies that can invest in the public knowledge base needed for the next round of innovation.







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