Zer da hurrengoa? QE!!

QE omen dator. Noiz eta datorren astean!

Hona hemen informazioa[1].

EBZ-k 2008an ezagutu zen toxic-waste berpiztu nahi du, QE (quantitative easing delakoa)[2] erabiliz, hau da, espekulazioa eta arrisku hartzea bultzatuz[3].

Hona datorkiguna:

“So in clearing the way to “monetization” of ABCP[4], the ECB is simply heading down the path of Bernanke/Yellen style quantitative easing though a transparent gimmick that may or may not bamboozle the Germans.”

Draghi-k nahi du QE moduko bat martxan jartzea, Alemaniatik ezetz biribil bat entzun barik[5].

Izatez, ez dago ezer berririk eguzkiaren azpian. Ezer ez onik, noski.

Izan ere, Warren Mosler-ek aspaldian gogoratu zigunez[6], QE ekonomiaren gaineko zerga bat besterik ez da.

Blog honetan, ikusia dugu Mosler-en baieztapen hori[7].

[2]  Ingelesez: “…the ECB is now energetically trying to revive the a market for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP)—-the very kind of “toxic-waste” that allegedly nearly took down the financial system during the panic of September 2008. The ECB would have you believe that getting more “liquidity” into the bank loan market for such things as credit card advances, auto paper and small business loans will somehow cause Europe’s debt-besotted businesses and consumers to start borrowing again.”

[3]  Ingelesez: “Purchasing government debt (…)  raises the price of the purchased “assets” relative to what would obtain in the unfettered market, and injects fiat liquidity into the financial system in a manner that promotes speculation and excessive risk-taking.” (…) “… central bank purchase of the resulting ABCP would be no different than purchase of treasury notes or Fannie Mae paper.”

[4]  APBC: asset-backed commercial paper.

[5]  Ingelesez: “Today’s announcement (http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/here-comes-qe-in-financial-drag-draghis-new-abcp-monetization-ploy/,  go to Brian Blackstone at the Wall Street Journal) is just part of Draghi’s desperate attempt to deliver QE next week in a manner which will not elicit a loud “nein!” from his German overseers.”

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