Historiatik at?

Zerohedge delako jendeak oraindik urrean sinesten dute, hurrengo linketan ikus daitekeen moduan…

MMT-koek, hau da DTM-koek ez, ezta pentsatu ere ez[1].

Badirudi Zerohedge-koak historiatik kanpo daudela. Ez da gure ardura. Alta, erabiltzen dituzten informazioa eta datuak interesgarriak dira oso. 

Hona hemen zenbait datu adierazgarri.

a)      Moneten arteko gerla[2]

i)                 Batzuek badakite moneta gerla dagoela, nazioarte mailan AEBk aparteko abantaila izan duelako Bretton Woods-eko Konferentzian lorturiko akordioaren ondoren[3]

ii)                Pribilegio hori dolarra nazioarteko erreserba moneta gisa erabiltzeari dagokio[4]

iii)               Errusiak AEB haren idulkitik jaitsi nahi du[5]

iv)               Mendebalde eta Ekialdearen artean dagoen moneta gerla bistakoa da[6]

v)                Nazioarteko moneta sisteman krisi bat laster ager daiteke[7]

b)      Jakitun dira dolar estandarreko sistemaz[8]

vi)               Lehendabizi, dolarretan oinarritutako sistema berri horren bermatzailea urrea zen[9]

vii)             Berme hori 1971 abandonatu zen[10]

viii)            1971z geroztik, dolarra bilakatu da nazioarteko estandar monetarioa[11]

ix)               Moneta desberdinen gerlak botere ezberdinen gerlaren ispilua da; ispilua ala sakoneko zergatia, zalantza[12] hedatuz doan bitartean?

Mundua aldatuz doa, gure begien aurrean…

Adi egoteko tenorea da. Ikasteko garaia da.

Ikas dezagun, bada…

[1]  MMTers, hots, DTM-koek:

Warren Mosler:  Gold standard thoughts, http://moslereconomics.com/2012/08/24/gold-standard-thoughts/

Randall Wray: Why Not Abolish the Fed and Return to the Gold Standard?,http://www.economonitor.com/blog/2012/02/why-not-abolish-the-fed-and-return-to-the-gold-standard/

Bill Mitchell: Return to a gold standard – don’t even think about it, http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=20754

[3]  Ingelesez: “If one listens to what Chinese officials have to say, it has become obvious that China has chosen gold as a weapon of choice in these currency wars, in line with the objective of eliminating the “exorbitant privilege” that the United States has since the Bretton Woods Conference and creating a new international monetary system. This “exorbitant privilege” consists in having one’s own currency being used as an international reserve (…).”

[4]  Ingelesez: “This “exorbitant privilege” consists in having one’s own currency being used as an international reserve currency without even any gold backing, that Nixon abolished in 1971. As of now, the US dollar represents close to 61.4% of global currency reserves, and the euro 24.2%.”

[5]  Ingelesez: …that Russia (…) It has also decided to do all it can to dethrone the US dollar from its pedestal. (…) Contrary to China, I think Russia is less patient, and is maneuvering behind the scenes for a quicker change to the monetary system.”

[6]  Ingelesez: “It is now obvious that there are currency and gold wars between the West and the East with, out in front, the United States and China. The United States, at all costs, wishes to maintain the present system, which is very much in its favor, whereas China and Russia would like to replace it.”

[7]  Ingelesez: …one must expect, this year or next year at the latest, a major crisis in the international monetary system that will cause a massive selloff of the US dollar and, consequently, a massive loss of its exchange rate.”

[9]  Ingelesez: “In 1944, at the Bretton Woods Conference, the United States took advantage of the great weakness of world after the Second War and imposed a monetary system based on the dollar, but backed by gold.”

[10]  Ingelesez: “Following a crisis opposing the United States and Europe, but mainly France, gold backing of the dollar was abandoned in 1971.”

[11]  Ingelezez: “…The US dollar has become, since 1971, the international monetary standard, without any gold backing.”

Are gehiago, “The United States is also trying to discourage countries and individuals to sell the dollar by way of negative public statements, but also by selling short on futures’ markets. Let us not forget that 40% to 60% of the US dollars circulate outside the United States. For the same reason, emerging countries are worried, and rightly so, that their reserves, mainly in dollars, will be confiscated by way of devaluation of the dollar.”

[12]  Ingelesez: “In the current geopolitical framework that Ian Bremmer has so well calledG0 (no country dominates; each one has advantage but also disadvantages), an international power struggle is occurring between the United States, the European Union, Russia and China. In this new Cold War, albeit in a G0 environment rather than in a G2 (United States and Soviet Union), where the European Union is not really allied with the United States and where China is not really allied with Russia, uncertainty prevails.”


Iruzkinak (9)

  • joseba

    Txina, Errusiako bankurik handiena eta dolarrak:

    China Signs Non-Dollar Settlement Deal With Russia’s Largest Bank:


    VTB – among Russia’s largest banks – has signed a deal with Bank of China to pay each other in domestic currencies, bypassing the need for US Dollars for “investment banking, inter-bank lending, trade finance and capital-markets transactions” (…) including cooperation on ruble and renminbi settlements…

    Nothing lasts forever… remember…

    (See the picture in the link: Reserve currency status does not last forever.)

    • joseba

      DE-dolarization of the world:

      “Russia Holds “De-Dollarization Meeting”: China, Iran Willing To Drop USD From Bilateral Trade


      That Russia has been pushing for trade arrangements that minimize the participation (and influence) of the US dollar ever since the onset of the Ukraine crisis (and before) is no secret: this has been covered extensively on these pages before (see Gazprom Prepares “Symbolic” Bond Issue In Chinese Yuan; Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce “Holy Grail” Gas Deal With China; Russia And China About To Sign “Holy Grail” Gas Deal; 40 Central Banks Are Betting This Will Be The Next Reserve Currency; From the Petrodollar to the Gas-o-yuan and so on).

      “…Russia is actively pushing on with plans to put the US dollar in the rearview mirror and replace it with a dollar-free system. Or, as it is called in Russia, a “de-dollarized” world.
      Voice of Russia reports citing Russian press sources that the country’s Ministry of Finance is ready to greenlight a plan to radically increase the role of the Russian ruble in export operations while reducing the share of dollar-denominated transactions. Governmental sources believe that the Russian banking sector is “ready to handle the increased number of ruble-denominated transactions”.

  • joseba

    Azkenean Errusiak eta Txinak sinatzen dute gasaren gaineko Graal santua:


    “According to Itar-Tass, the compromise between Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom and Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on Russian gas price is estimated at $75 billion, citing the Deputy Head of the National Energy Security Fund Alexei Grivach.”

    “Although Europe is still Russia’s largest energy market – buying more than 160 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas in 2013 – Moscow will use every opportunity to diversify gas deliveries and boost its presence in Asian markets.”

    • joseba

      The Annotated History Of The World’s Next Reserve Currency:


      “With de-dollarization escalating and Chinese officials now openly calling for “a new and more efficient system,” specifically on which is not dominated by the US and the dollar, it appears the day of a rebalancing is approaching more rapidly than most would like to believe. On the heels of the vice president of China’s central bank commenting that “renminbi will become the reserve currency” we thought it time to look at the long-run history of the Chinese currency and its rapidly rising internalization efforts.

      “Over the past several years, the dollar has lost significant ground to other currencies, in its share of international trade transactions and national reserves settlement.

      This means that, more and more, people around the world are dealing in currencies other than US dollars when they trade with one another.

      Not to mention, central banks and national governments are starting to hold larger proportions of non-dollar currencies.

      (…) China has signed bilateral currency swap agreements with central banks and governments from nearly two dozen countries, in an amount exceeding 2.5 trillion renminbi ($416 billion).”

      “… China would continue to promote “a new and more efficient system”, i.e. specifically one which is not dominated by the United States and the US dollar.”

      Remember, nothing lasts forever…

  • joseba

    The Big Theater:

    The BIG theater is open. Come in and listen (I mean read…)

    Nothing is as it appears…, as usual:



    First round:

    “The U.S. Dollar Must Fall

    The dollar must lose its world reserve status, and most likely collapse in relative value, before the SDR can be elevated.”

    Second round:

    “I would say that China’s monetization has been carefully and deliberately engineered in order to lay the foundation for a massive liquidity spike in the Yuan.”

    Third round:

    “The Chinese need exponential Yuan circulation. They do not want the Yuan to replace the dollar; instead, they are preparing it for induction into the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket. With China set to become the world largest economy this year according to World Bank, their inclusion is assured.”

    Fourth round, GOLD:

    “I believe one of the primary determinations in a currency’s value compared to the SDR will be a country’s stockpile of gold. This is why Russia and China in particular have been purchasing precious metals at an unheard-of rate (and why U.S. gold reserves have never been audited). The IMF itself is one of the world’s largest holders of physical gold, with nearly 3,000 metric tons (officially).”

    Fifth round:

    “A Cover Event Must Be Created:

    …The destruction of the dollar and the institution of a global economic bureaucracy are not actions that can be executed openly by international financiers. These events will coincide with extreme catastrophe, likely worse than the Great Depression era, with millions upon millions of people losing the ability to financially support themselves and their families”


    “…the elitist plan is to use scapegoats and false enemies to draw our attention away from the real culprits: the international banks themselves. Make no mistake: This fight is not about President Barack Obama, it is not about Putin and it is not even about the Federal Reserve. These men are tools, errand boys, public mascots. Do not be fooled by the global stage play being perpetrated. Whatever happens in Ukraine and whatever happens between Russia, China and the West, there are only two real sides to this battle: the elitist establishment, and those who are smart enough to recognize their poison.”

    True? False? In between?

  • joseba

    The future visible in St Petersburg:


    “On the (silk) road again
    The now symbiotic China-Russia strategic alliance – with the possibility of extending towards Iran – is the fundamental fact on the ground in the young 21st century. It will extrapolate across the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Non-Aligned Movement.”

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