EBko ‘bankuen batasunaz’ hitz pare bat

Ortodoxiaren propaganda etengabekoa da. Ondorioz, ezjakintasunaren hedapena ildo beretik doa.

Propaganda: demagun EBko ‘bankuen batasuna’ delakoa.

(i)                Bla-bla-bla, alegia, hitzontzikeria hedatuz doa etengabe[1]

Ezjakintasuna: hedatuz doa etengabe, baita EBn ere[2].

(ii)              “Nahiz eta EBn ez egon gobernu federalik, EBZ-k, Europako Banku Zentralak, nahi duen beste diru, beste euro, zero interesean, jaulki dezake. Hortaz, zertan ari gara? Zertan ari dira ‘gure’ politikariak, ekonomialariak eta abar? Zertaz informatzen dute ‘gure’ egunkariek? Ez dakit!”

Bankuen batasuna? Zertan ari dira?

Bi ohartxo:

(a)    DTMkoek EBko bankuen arazoez aspaldian abisatu zuten[3]

(b)    Warren Mosler ere horretaz aritu zen, gainera irtenbide bat proposatuz[4]

Mosler-en ildoa:

(1)    EBko bankuek EBZko gordailu asegurua behar dute

(2)    Bankugintzaren gainbegiratzeak EBZren esku egon behar du

(3)    Solbentzia afera konponduko da baldin eta EBZk garantizatzen baditu EBko kideak diren herrialde guztiek dauzkaten gobernu zorrak

(4)    Baina aseguratuz, hortik aurrera, EBZk ez dituela garantizatuko gobernu zor berriak

(5)    Halaber, aseguratuz, hortik aurrera, EBko bankuek gobernu zor berriak ez ditutezla erosiko ere

(Azken bi neurri horiek, “as a penalty for violators of the debt and deficit limits of the Stability and Growth Pact.”)

EB dela eta, euroa dela medio, ‘bankuen batasunaz’ dela aitzakia, hitzen zorabioan arituko gara berriz ere? Noiz arte?


Quosque tandem?


Ba ote dakigu, benetan, nola funtzionatzen duen diruak? Nola funtzionatzen du euroaren banku jaulkitzaileak, EBZk?


Bai? Ziur?


Badaezpada ere, gogoratu ondoko link honetan dagoena[5].

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    George Soros-ek (nire gogokoa batere ez dena) euroaz, EBz eta bankuen batasunaz:


    “George Soros: If you mean that the euro is here to stay, you are right. That was confirmed by the German elections, where the subject was hardly discussed, and by the coalition negotiations, where it was relegated to Subcommittee 2A. (…)

    So the euro is here to stay, and the arrangements that evolved in response to the crisis have become established as the new order governing the eurozone. This confirms my worst fears. It’s the nightmare I’ve been talking about. (…)”

    “But the prospect of a long period of stagnation has not been removed. It’s generally agreed that the eurozone is threatened by deflation but opposition from the German Constitutional Court and its own legal departments will prevent the European Central Bank (ECB) from successfully overcoming the deflationary pressures the way other central banks, notably the Federal Reserve, have done.”

    “…the banking union will leave the banking system without a lender of last resort. The proposed resolution authority is so complicated, with so many decision-making entities involved, that it is practically useless in an emergency. Even worse, the ECB is legally prohibited from undertaking actions for which it is not expressly authorized. That sets it apart from other central banks, which are expected to use their discretion in an emergency.
    But Germany was determined to limit the liabilities that it could incur through the ECB. As a result, member countries remain vulnerable to financial pressures from which other developed countries are exempt. That is what I meant when I said that over-indebted members of the EU are in the position of third-world countries that are overindebted in a foreign currency. The banking union does not correct that defect. On the contrary, it perpetuates it.”

    “I accept that Germany has succeeded in imposing a new order on Europe, although I consider it unacceptable. But I still believe in the European Union and the principles of the open society that originally inspired it, and I should like to recapture that spirit. I want to arrest the process of disintegration, not accelerate it. So I am no longer advocating that Germany should “lead or leave the euro.” (…).”

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