Ezjakintasuna hedatuz doa, etengabe


 Ezjakintasunaren krisia:

Austeritatea da ezjakintasunaren krisi honetan guztiok adostu duten gauza bakarra[1].


Badirudi ezjakintasuna hedatuz doala…

Izan ere, nola ‘itxi’, ‘geldieraz’ daiteke gobernu bat?

DTMkoek argi, garbi eta luze adierazi dute itxiera hori ezina dela.

Hona azken etsenplu bat, Randall Wray-k ekartzen duena Michael Merrill-ek lan-indarrari emandako hitzaldietatik[2].

Lehendabizi, hona Wray-k dioena:

He [Merrill] has written these pieces to introduce MMT to labor. In the first segment (…) he argued that Americans should not be fooled by the claims that our government is broke. That piece is timely, given what is going on in Washington. From the perspective of MMT, the claim that Uncle Sam has run out of money is beyond stupid.”

In this second guest blog, Michael restates or repurposes the principles of MMT[3].

Lehen lantxoan[4] horrela dio Merril-ek:

“…so long as the government manages its money-making capacity responsibly—in particular, so long as there is a government and it only pays people to do things that need to be done, then it can never run out of money and therefore never be forced to default—i.e., be unable to pay what it owes.”

Bigarrenean[5], zeren “It is a nice antidote to the hysteria in Washington that has shut down our government,” honela:

We have been taught wrong. We can afford such programs. And we can afford them without imposing an unfair tax burden on anyone.

The reason we can is that a legitimate, well-run government like the United States does not depend on the money it gets from others.  On the contrary, it issues the money it needs, as it requires.

“…if the money it issues has other uses than just to pay taxes—for example, if people use the money provided by the government to conduct their own individual business with one another, as we all certainly do—then the amount of money the government spends MUST BE larger than what it collects in taxes.”

“The government does not need to borrow money. It makes money.”

“…there is no fiscal constraint on spending to good purpose for the government as a whole, certainly none that the immediate ability of people to pay taxes imposes. There may not be a free lunch. But there can be a good lunch. We must spend responsibly. But we can spend.”

Eta Europan, EBn?

Nahiz eta EBn ez egon gobernu federalik, EBZ-k, Europako Banku Zentralak, nahi duen beste diru, beste euro, zero interesean, jaulki dezake.

Hortaz, zertan ari gara?

Zertan ari dira ‘gure’ politikariak, ekonomialariak eta abar?

Zertaz informatzen dute ‘gure’ egunkariek?

Ez dakit!

Harrigarria bada ere…

Ezjakintasuna zabalduz doa, etengabe!

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude