DTMkoek aspaldian abisatu zuten

Zipren gertatzen ari dena kezkagarria da oso.

Badirudi euroguneko bankuen arazoa berria dela.

Alta, DMTkoek aspaldian ikertu zuten arazo, baita irtenbideak eman ere[1].

Izan ere,

“MMTers have always said that bank runs are imminent absent design changes to the payment system and it’s not credible that Eurozone governments can insure bank’s depositors to prevent these runs.  They also offer solutions.”

“The bank runs should accelerate in coming days, as remaining periphery depositors decide to be neither fools nor philanthropists, and so continue to take the safest bet by shifting deposits to German banks.”

Hona hemen froga batzuk.

Jadanik 2002an[2]:

“… EBZk frogatu behar du lender of last resort (azken baliabideko mailegu emailea) izan behar duela.

… Are gehiago, krisi kudeaketak gainbegiratzeko ahalmen sendoak behar ditu, eta EBZ oso urrun dago zeregin horretatik (155 or.).”

Antzekoa hemen[3], Marshall Auerback-ek idatzia, 2012/05/12an:

“… EBZ ez du ezer egiten banku gordailuen kentzeari buruz[4]…”

Eta berriz hemen[5], 2012/07/18an:

“… (AEBetako FDIC modukoa den) euroguneko gordailu aseguruak banku gordailuen kentzea geldiarazi beharko luke[6]…“

Eta Warren Mosler-ek[7], 2009/12/08an:

“(Litekeena da) eurogune osoko banku sisteman banku gordailuen kentze orokor bat azaltzea[8]..“

Eta berriz hemen[9], 2012/06/01an:

“Euroguneko banku guztietarako, bankuek EBZko gordailu asegurua behar dute.

Orain gobernu kideek beren banku gordailuak aseguratzen dituzte, baita erregulatu eta gainbegiratu ere.

Beraz, hortik hara joateko, bankuek banku gainbegiratzea EBZra pasatu behar dute [10].”

Abisatu bai, baina kasurik ez!

[2]  Ikus Stephanie Bell (orain Kelton) eta Edward Nel (2002) The State, the Market and the Euro Chartalism versus Metallism in the Theory of Money.

[4]  Ingelesez: “… the ECB and the European authorities acknowledge none of this [bank runs] and seem to be doing nothing about it. At least not publicly.”

[6]  Ingelesez: “…there is virtually no appetite for the kind of FDIC style eurozone-wide deposit insurance needed to halt the bank run which is still afflicting the EMU.”

[8]  Ingelesez: “Still looks to me like it’s probably one go all go as Greece guarantees its own banks and should deposit insurance be questioned a general run on the entire euro banking system could be triggered. That could result in the close the entire payments system until it’s all reorganized with credible deposit insurance. Much like the US in 1934.”

[10]  Ingelesez:

“The banks need, and I propose, ECB deposit insurance for all euro zone banks.

Currently the member governments insure their own member bank deposits and do the regulation and supervision.

So to get from here to there politically they need to turn over banking supervision to the ECB.”

Utzi erantzuna

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