Bitcoin delakoaz hitz bi: zergak, ‘moneta’ lokalak, isunak…

Bitcoin, BTC akronimoaz, kriptomoneta[1] bat da.

Hona hemen BTC-zko informazio apurra[2].

Warren Mosler aspaldian, 2012.12.10ean, aritu zen BTC-z[3].

Hona hemen Mosler-ek idatzi zuena, baita beraren zenbait iruzkin ere:

(i)                BTC ez da moneta bat ordainketa sistema bat baizik.

(ii)              BTC-en bidezko erosketetan, balio erantsiaren gaineko zergetan (BEZ) ‘aurreztea’ da helburu.


Say the Bitcoin happened to be valued at $12, the buyer wanted to pay $120 dollars. (Note that the value per se was of no consequence for this transaction.)

What the buyer of the item did was buy 10 Bitcoins for the $120, while simultaneously the seller sold 10 bit coins for $120.

The buyer then bought the item by transferring his 10 Bitcoins to the seller via the exchange, who ‘delivered’ them to the exchange for his prearranged $120.”

(iii)             BTC-ek zergarik gabeko transakzio anonimoak errazten dituzte.

(iv)             Horrelako transakzioetan, BTC-ko baten balioak ez dio ondoriorik kausatzen erosleari, ezta saltzaileari ere.

(v)              BTC-ko balioak fluktuatuko du truke kudeatzearen politiken funtzio gisa.

(vi)             Orain ofizialki banku gisa operatzeko[4] eskubidea dauka.

Dena den, hona Mosler-en galdera:

(vii)            Zergatik ez ordaindu 120 dolar horiek erosketagatik? Zergatik erabiltzea dolar transakzio bat egiten ari diren bi alderdien artean tarteko tresna hori?

(viii)          Bitcoin txalupa bat bezalakoa da, dolarrak alderdi batetik bestera eramaten dituena.

(ix)             Afera helburu ‘pertsonalei’ dagokie.

Mosler-en iritzia garbia da:

The point is no seller of real goods and services is pricing his goods and services in Bitcoin, as he doesn’t ultimately want to hold Bitcoin.

There’s no point in holding it. 

Sellers want another currency and use Bitcoin to facilitate that desire.”

“From what I’ve seen the serious interest is in keeping transactions private and away from legal authorities, not in holding Bitcoins per se.”

Moneta beste afera bat da:

(a)    Dolarrak balioa du AEBko gobernuak bera eskatzen duelako AEBko zergak ordaintzearren.

(b)    Urreak, aldiz, balioa dauka jendeari kolore hori gustatzen zaiolako, lagungarria izan daitekeelako norbaitekin geratzeko, eta abar luze batengatik…

Are gehiago:

(x)              Bitcoin ‘moneta’ trukakor bezalakoa da, FX finkatutako[5] erregimenean.

(xi)             ‘Moneta’ lokalak[6] bezalaxe[7].

(xii)            Moneta nazionalek funtzionatzen dute gobernua hornitzearren. Bitcoin-ek funtzionatzen dute pribatutasuna babesteko. Alta, kontuz, merkatu beltzekin[8].

(xiii)          Bitcoin-ak erabiltzen dira legezko diren zergak ez ordaintzeko.

(Caveat: Kontuz Euskal Herrian erabiltzen diren ‘moneta’ lokalekin. Zergak ez ordaintzeko ihesbidea izan daitekeen heinean, beranduago isunak etor litezke…)

Bukatzeko, laburpen gisa, hemen[9], iruzkin batean:

“Warren Mosler | April 26, 2013 at 12:23 pm | Reply

Bitcoin is primarily a carrier for other currencies that provides secrecy for illicit/illegal/immoral/etc. transactions.


If you have no use for the above you have no use for Bitcoin.


If you do need those types of services, here’s how you do it.


You arrange with the seller of the ‘illicit thing’ you want to buy in secret to use Bitcoin.


You buy the coins you need and at the same time transfer them to him and he sells them, all at the same price you bought them at. No he has your payment, which can be in any currency, etc. and you have his stuff.


The Bitcoin price is only a numeraire. I doesn’t matter at all what it is. Neither of you have any exposure to fluctuating Bitcoin prices.”

[7]  Mosler-ek ingelesez: “It’s more like the various local currencies like ‘lets’ where you sell your goods and services for the currency with the hope that someone else will sell you their goods and services for that currency later. Those currencies ‘work’ to the extent someone is willing to sell his services in the hope he gets same later, sort of a greater fool theory thing. That’s why they are a ‘weak force’ vs a tax driven currency which is a forces as strong as the taxing authority.

And in any case the primary use of bit coins is as a ‘vehicle’ to effect a transaction in another currency where the buyers and sellers use the Bitcoin vehicle for privacy. And when they do that there’s no need for the buyer or seller to be at risk of the value of the Bitcoin fluctuating as they can do simultaneous transactions.

It would be like pricing oil in paper clips if there was some tax advantage to doing that. As long as the buyer and seller agreed on any price for the paper clips they could get the oil bot/sold for dollars, yen, euro, whatever.”

Iruzkinak (3)

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