‘Moneta’ lokalak

Randall Wray ‘moneta’ lokalaz, gobernu lokalaz eta zerga ordainketaz  aritu zen aspaldian[1]:

1) Massachusetts eta BerkShare izeneko moneta lokala:  A local government could help to stimulate circulation of BerkShares by accepting them in tax payment. Firms and households with local tax liabilities would be encouraged to accept BerkShares. Local government could pay part of its bills using the local currency.”

2) Kalifornia eta warrant izeneko moneta lokala: “California can turn its warrants into sovereign currency by agreeing to accept them in payments to the state. Note that we ARE NOT arguing that California should make them “legal tender, payable for all debts public and private”—this is something it cannot do.”

Kontua beti hauxe da: ‘moneta’ lokala onartzea, zergak ordaintzeko. Horixe da benetako arazoa. Hau da, estatu batek edo gobernu lokal batek moneta lokal hori sostengatu behar du, zergak ordaintzearren.

Gure kasuan, Iparraldeko ‘euskoa’ frantses estatuak onartu eta sostengatu beharko luke. Halaber, Hegoaldeko probintzia ezberdinetan agertuko diren ‘moneta’ lokal guztiak (ekhi, ogerleko, bilbodiru, eta etor daitezkeen guztiak) bertako Hazienda desberdinek onartu beharko lituzkete ‘moneta’ horiek zergak ordaintzeko.

Sakontzeko, ikus ondoko linka[2].

Iruzkinak (3)

  • BRISTOL POUNDS-en kasuan (http://bristolpound.org/) udal-zergak ordaintzeko erabil daiteke. Ikus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Pound: “Because of the local council support, Bristolians are able to pay their local taxes using the new currency” (gehiago: http://bristolpound.org/news?id=38 eta http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-24130847). Horrez gain, alkateak berak bere soldata moneta berri horretan kobratzea eskatu du (http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/nov/20/mayor-salary-bristol-pounds). Horrez gain, zenbait zerbitzu “publiko” (esate baterako, garraioa) moneta lokal horretan gauzatzen hasi dira (http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/sep/13/buses-bristol-pounds-local-currency).

  • joseba


    Horrek esan nahi du Randall Wray-k 2009an esan zuena ikasi dutela.

    Gogoratu Warren Mosler-en hitzaldia Bulgarian (https://www.unibertsitatea.net/otarrea/gizarte-zientziak/ekonomia/lana-zergak-langabezia-aurrezkiak-inflazioa) eta antzerkitxoa (https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2013/12/15/haur-ekonomia/):

    Zergek eta armadun gizonek paper hutsa, hau da sasi-moneta bat, moneta bilakatzen dute.

    Edo eta Nobel sariduna de Paul Krugman-ek dioena: fiat-eko dirua zergek eta armadun gizonek sostengatzen dute (in http://moslereconomics.com/2013/12/09/krugman-on-fiat-money/).

    Eta euskoz, ekhiz, ogerlekoz, bilbodiruz eta bide beretik etor litezkeen sasi-moneta guztiez? Zeinek sostengatuko ditu?

    Zergen biltzaileak onartu behar ditu sasi-monetak, moneta bilaka daitezen. Zein da zerga biltzailea Iparraldean? Eta Hegoaldean?

  • joseba

    Dena den, hona zer zioen Wray-k Kaliforniako warrant delakoaz:

    a) “As a stopgap measure, this will ensure a demand for the state’s IOUs. Each individual vendor, contractor, or even state employee will accept the state’s new warrants up to the individual’s expected tax liability. Eventually the warrants will also be accepted by retail establishments and others who also have liabilities to the state of California—meaning that the state could (eventually) issue a number of warrants equal to the total of all such obligations owed to the state, on an annual basis.”

    Hau da, gobernu lokal batek, Kaliforniakoak, warrant delakoa jaulki dezake, soilik aipatutako baldintzetan.

    Are gehiago:

    b) “The next step is to issue these IOUs at zero interest. The taxes, fees, and liens will be sufficient to generate a demand without promising interest. Currency is simply an IOU that does not pay interest—it is “current”. (…) the state can also accept its own “currency” in payment of fees and tuition paid to state institutions of higher learning—further increasing demand.”

    Baldintza hori betetzen da Bristol-en? Hau da, BRISTOL POUND delakoa zero interesetan jaulkitzen da? Ez dakit, baina ezezkoan faltsukeriatan, hots, iruzurretan ibiliko lirateke.


    c) “Unlike other local currencies around the country—such as the BerkShare in Massachusetts, the new California currency would then be “tax driven”, thus sustainable. In other words, it would be a sovereign currency backed by the state’s ability to impose taxes.”

    Lehen aipatutako baldintza guztiak betetzen badira Bristol-en, orduan eta soilik orduan BRISTOL POUND delakoa zergek sustengatutako moneta izango litzateke, azken finean moneta subirano bat estatuak, Britainia Handiak, sustengatuta, zergak ordaintzeko baliagarria izango den heinean.

Utzi erantzuna

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