Norvegia, zergatik da hain aberatsa? Kataluniaz? Euskal Herriaz?

Why is NORWAY so RICH? – VisualPolitik EN


State capitalism works, and China and Norway are good examples of this. Britain privatized all its oil companies and the elite squirreled the wealth into off-shore tax havens, while Norway did the opposite. Today Norway is rich while the UK is poor, so we are told, so it’s never ending austerity. We’re always being told that we are living beyond our means.

Why is NORWAY so RICH? – VisualPolitik EN

Norway is one of the World’s wealthiest countries. Also they have really small inequality between rich and poor and a big welfare state. Part of this wealthy lifestyle can be explained with their enormous oil reserves, located on the Nord Sea. But… this is not the only one. In fact, Norway has managed their natural wealth on a very specific way: state capitalism. This means: Government control a big share of the economy but, then again, it behaves as a business: they care about efficiency and productivity, save money and even… invest it in the stock market! In fact, Norway is not just a wealthy country. It is also one with a big sway on international finance. Why? Because the Norwegian Central Bank invest all the oil profits on the stock market. This is the so called ‘Norway’s sovereign wealth fund’ or the ‘Norwegian pension fund’. This country invest more than 1 TRILLION [amerikar trilioi bat = europar bilioi bat] dollars in companies from all over the world. But how does this system work? In this video, we will tell you how.



Norvegiaz eta EFTAz (Iñaki A-ren e-posta)

Norvegia eta Brexit

EFTAn sartzea: blokeatu ala ez?


Danimarka, Ipar Herrialdeetarako atea

Zerga-paradisuak itxi behar dira, …

Kataluniaz, zer?

Catalans Lliures‏ @Cat_Lliures


Catalans Lliures(e)k Bertxiotua Enric Vila

Barcelona no té* riquesa per explotar (mines d’or). Barcelona pot crear* riquesa a partir de les idees i la innovació i compta amb més d’un miler d’empreses tecnològiques. Vivim a l’era dels intangibles i, efectivament, els polítics van més perduts que els pingüins al desert.

Catalans Lliures(e)k gehitu du,

Enric Vila @enricvd

Això amb uns polítics de merda. Som una tribu d’indis sobre una mina d’or, espanyols i americans es barallen per veure qui l’explota davant dels nostres nassos. …

Barcelona Global‏ @BarcelonaGlobal

The Financial Times publication @fDiMagazine has recognized Catalonia as the most attractive region in Southern Europe to invest in 2018 and 2019. The publication also awards Catalonia for having the best strategy to attract foreign investment. 

2018 aza. 24

2018 aza. 26

Euskal Herriaz, zer?

Zer esan Euskal Herriaz?

Ez daukagu natur baliabiderik, geneuzkanak lapurtu zizkiguten, aspaldian.

Gure aberastasuna lan-indarrean datza, oso kualifikatua berori. Lan-indarra zentzu zabalean, barnean kudeaketako jendea.

Gipuzkoako enpresa txikiak eta ertainak hor daude, kooperatibak ere,…1

Politikan, gure politikariak oso kaxkarrak dira, ‘kakazkoak’ Enric Vilar-en hitzez, eta Kataluniako asko bezala neo-autonomismoan murgilduta.

Santurtzin, alta, separatistak gara. Hor dago Lezo Urreiztieta-ren eredua, Josu Martinez lagunak maisuki erakutsi duenez (Lezo Urreiztieta, dokumentala).

Lezo bezalako ‘politikari’ argiak behar ditugu, independentistak goitik behera, eta ez konplexuz beteriko mandangazale autonomistak.

Ekonomian, gogoratu ondoko hauek:

(iii) Euskal Herria Suitza txiki baterantz

(iv) Euskal Herria Suitza txiki baterantz (gehigarriak)

Ikus “La independencia vasca es viable en términos económicos,...” in A. Rekalde-ren La Republica del Bidasoa. Un Estado independinte, sin moscas, sin fraies y sin carabineros (2005), Navarra: Nabarralde, Pamiela. (Testu hori, eguneratua, blog honetan jarriko dut, aurki.)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude