Hanan eta biok (5)

Dear Hanan,

Do you know this work by Warren Mosler?


Mosler is the father of a new economic theory: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

I have used his works a lot, to be published in this academic Blog: https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/

and trying to apply them to our Basque Country.

Up to now my efforts do not even touch my Country fellows. They are happy inside the Spanish and French autonomisms, with a long list of neoliberal recipes!

Mosler wrote his essay on Palestine in 2001.

He quotes the Palestinian Authority (PA). So, it is very possible that PA people were in contact with him.

Palestine, and mainly Gaza are almost totally destroyed nowadays.

But always, people appear. Malgré all the Zionists, and all the Israelis, good people will apear in your Palestine,..

The problem with economics is that people, even good people, usually rely on neoliberal theories, which can destroy even more any country.

In any case, if you know any Palestinian economist, let him/her know about Mosler’s work (s).

A big hug!

Gora Palestina Askatua. Long Live Free Palestine!


PS: http://www.collectedworksofwarrenmosler.com/#index.html

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude