From the River to the Sea. Ibaitik Itsasora

From the River to the Sea Ibaitik Itsasora ****** Gaza BEFORE Israel showed up Israel is a criminal state. Bideoa: ****** ****** @tobararbulu # (...)

GAZA: Su etenaren inguruan (17)

Azkenean, GAZAn su etena ezagutu dugu: Su etena oooooo redsarah99 #BlackLivesMatter oooooo Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle Gaza BEFORE Israel showed up Israel is a criminal state. (...)

GAZA: Su etenaren inguruan (15)

Azkenean, GAZAn su etena ezagutu dugu: Su etena oooooo redsarah99 #BlackLivesMatter Segida @tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu 3 h Israel's masterplan…to ethnically cleanse Gaza" | Norman Finkelstein (...)

GAZA: Su etenaren inguruan (14)

Azkenean, GAZAn su etena ezagutu dugu: Su etena oooooo redsarah99 #BlackLivesMatter Segida Owen Jones@owenjonesjourno 21 h Germany - a state which specialises in mass destruction (...)

GAZA: Su etenaren inguruan (13)

Azkenean, GAZAn su etena ezagutu dugu: Su etena oooooo redsarah99 #BlackLivesMatter Segida Luan@YearOfTheDemons ots. 5 oooooo Matt Kennard@kennardmatt 11 h Israel is under investigation for (...)