Euskal Estaturantz (2022)


(i) (

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Euskal Estatua eskatuz

Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World

Neoliberala al zara?


Gehigarria: Estatua eskatuz (Reclaiming the State)

2022 ots. 22

(ii) (

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Euskal Estaturantz (1)

Ekonomiaz jakin nahi zenuen eta galdetzeko ausartu ez zinen ia guztia (eguneraketa)

Gehigarria: Pandemia dela eta, ikus Koronabirus krisiaren aurrean, Eurogunerako proposamen bat

2022 ots. 22

(iii) (

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Euskal Estaturantz (2)

Amaiur: historia apur bat eta independentzia-moneta berria

2022 ots. 22



… the only constraint for a Government is the availability of real goodsState needs real resources, not tax money…


Tax liabilities precede spending.

… tax liabilities do come first, which creates sellers of goods and services that can then be purchased by the state. Actual tax payments follow state spending or lending.

MTM: Moneta-Teoria Modernoa

Oinarriak: Independentzia politiko eta ekonomikoaren ABCa

Gehigarriak (in

… imports are real benefits and exports real costs, it’s better to pay less than more, and a trade deficit gives that nation more fiscal space.

…the national debt is just the ‘monetary base’ of the economy for any nation with its own fiat currency.

More nearly correct would have been ‘I have tax liabilities, I’m working for you.’


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude