Warren Mosler (2011n)

Paul Sliker@psliker


Just found this old beauty of @wbmosler on Fox

Mosler: “When you have a non-convertible currency and a floating exchange rate, all government spending is merely changing numbers in banking accounts*” …

Varney: “I gotta go cause I’m out of time, and my head’s spinning!”

Aupregia aldrebes


Paul Sliker@psliker

2018 abu. 2


erabiltzaileari erantzuten

*Typo: should be *bank* accounts


Paul Sliker@psliker




erabiltzaileei erantzuten

Here’s the full: http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/4250679/ —> Ikus beherago!

Too good not to clip.

Spending Necessary for Economic Recovery

Center for Economic and Public Policy’s Warren Mosler argues further government spending is necessary to improve the economy.








erabiltzaileei erantzuten

That URL didn’t work for me. If others are in the same boat, here’s an alternative link to this 6:16 min interview, posted May 7, 2011:

Spending Necessary for Economic Recovery

Center for Economic and Public Policy’s Warren Mosler argues further government spending is necessary to improve the economy.


Bideoa link honetan: https://twitter.com/MrToad5/status/1363534707091255301

2021 ots. 21

Iruzkinak (2)

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