Arrosa, dolarrak eta polisemia (2)

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Sarrera gisa, ikus Arrosa, dolarrak eta polisemia


(i) Arrosa gorria


La rose est sans pourquoi,

elle fleurit parce qu’elle fleurit,

elle ne se soucie pas d’elle-même,

elle ne se demande pas si on la voit.

(Angelus Silesius, Livre I, 289)


(ii) Gabriel Arestik arrosa gorriaz

Nik: arrosa gorri bat nahi diat.

Hark: Bai, baina lehenbizi arrosa.

Nik: Bai, arrosa gorri bat.

Hark: lehenbizi arrosa.

Eta azkenean, arrosa zuri bat jarri zeutzaten jakaren solapan

Aurreko lantxoan (Stephanie Kelton aipatuz) honela bukatu nuen:

Hortaz, zein izen aukeratuko genuke interes-eramaileko dolarrak izendatzeko?

Erantzunaren bila:

Irakur dezagun Diru Teoria Modernoaren aita ponteko nagusiak dioena:

(iii) Warren Mosler


(1) Zerga erantzukizuna

Tax liability

What you do is you establish a tax liability. That’s what comes first

to put a tax liability on and something that nobody has

You put a tax liability, let’s say, on everybody’s house to keep it simple, in US Dollars

now they’re all out looking for work so they can earn US Dollars so they don’t have to lose their house.

(2) Baliorik gabeko dolarrak, langabezia

Worthless dollars, unemployment

Now the government can hire those people with its, what I call, otherwise worthless dollars.

When you see that term, otherwise worthless, you know that came from me because that’s how I started talking about it at the beginning.

So the tax liability creates people looking for paid work in that currency.

That is the definition of unemployment.


the dollars to pay taxes can only come from government agents, period. Otherwise, it’s what’s called counterfeit and you go to jail for that. It’s always the case the government or its agents are the only source of the dollars to pay taxes. In the United States

(3) Bankugintza

tax liabilities come first. And what do tax liabilities do? They create sellers of real goods and services. And there are always sellers

these are sellers who now want the thing they need to pay that tax. They want US dollars if they are US dollar-denominated tax liabilities. So now we’ve got people looking for work that gets paid in US dollars.

they create this nominal demand for the currency and they create now people looking for paid work, which is exactly why the government did it, because it wanted people looking for paid work so they could go hire them with these – I’ve been calling them since way back – otherwise worthless dollars. If you ever hear that term, that’s one of the original terms. But the government can now spend its otherwise worthless dollars – without the tax liabilities they’re worthless – because they’re a tax credit.

The thing that you use to pay taxes is called the tax credit. So a dollar’s a tax credit. What’s the tax credit worth without a tax? Not worth anything. You have tax liabilities, now these tax credits are worth a lot because you need them so you don’t lose your house or your car or whatever, go to jail. Yeah. So, yeah. That’s 30 years of practice. I didn’t say it this way the first time. [laughter] So it’s evolving. And if I’d said it this way the first time, it might not have been effective right? Things change.


Garrantzitsua ez dago izen baten azpian bide dagoena (dolar berdeak versus dolar horiak, Kelton-en hitzez).

Garrantzistua hauxe da, gobernuak zerga bat jartzen du, zergak, noski, ordaindu behar dira, moneta zehatz batean, AEB-ko etsenpluan dolarretan.

Hortaz, jendea hasten da dolarren bila, gobernuak, airetik konputagailu baten teklatu baten bidez sorturiko dolarren bila. Gobernuaren kostua zero da, une horretan dolarrak baliorik gabekoak dira (worthless).

Baina jendeak baliorik gabeko dolar horiek eskuratzeko, lan egin behar du, lan alokatu baten bidez: horrenbeste dolar orduko.

Dolar bat zerga-kreditu bat izanik, zergak ordaintzeko erabiltzen baita, orduan baliorik gabeko dolarrak (tax liabilities) zerga-kredituak bilakatzen dira, baliodunak.

Horixe da misterio guztia.

Arrosa gorria eskatzen baldin baduzu, mesedez, arren, otoi, faborez, eskuratu gorria den arrosa bat, ez inongo arrosa zuririk…

Ad Majoren Vasconum Libertatem!

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude