Bill Mitchell-en lan batzuk (argitaratzear)


While we continue to practice social distancing, I have been busy.

(i) Topics coming in the next immediate period include:

1. What the RBA is up to buying commonwealth and state/territory government debt. Even the states have found the currency-issuer can ease their need to increase deficits.

2. Was the Eurogroup’s so-called ‘solidarity’ decision last week any major shift in the austerity mindset in the EMU and why it punishes Italy and Spain, particularly.

3. What the Bank of England and H.M. Treasury decided last week – implications etc.

4. What is happening with US labour markets – the job loss bias is skewed severely towards low paid workers.

5. How the neoliberal bias of the IMF has made the Coronavirus crisis worse.

6. And more.

Coming up!

(ii) Interview with New Zealand news service

I recorded an interview with the Otago Daily Times last week (journalist Bruce Munro).

His article reporting the interchange and a short video we did together was published on Saturday (April 11, 2020) in their Life & Style Magazine supplement – Much ado about nothing?.

I even got a chance to talk about Rugby Union, even though I would usually avoid the topic.

Thanks to Bruce and his team.

The message is getting out … slowly.

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