Warren Mosler Berlin-en (2019ko maiatzean)

Sarrera gisa, ikus Warren Mosler Berlin-en


Warren Mosler – An Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory


This is Warren Mosler’s talk in Berlin on 13 May.

First we would like to thank Warren Mosler for coming to Berlin to hold this talk.

We would also like to thank OXI for make this film possible and Dustin for doing the filming and editing.

Furthermore we would like to thank Lola Books, the Pufendorf Gesellschaft, Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik, Topsy, and Marcel Dimke for preparing this talk with us.

An Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory

With Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez´s Green New Deal Modern Monetary Theory has become one of the most discussed economic topics. Warren Mosler is one of the founders of MMT. So catch up with the world and attend his talk. A talk at Helle Panke Berlin, May 12 2019.

Bideoa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAqS_NxmEjE

Diapositibak (Warren-ek berak bidalitakoak)

Ikus Warren Mosler Berlin-en (2019ko maiatzean)

Thanks a lot, Warren!

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