Warren Mosler Berlin-en

(i) Lola Books‏ @LolaBooks


2019 api. 21

(ii) Brave New Europe@ BRAVENEWEUROPE1


TOMORROW!!! Modern Monetary Theory: Join the cutting edge of economics

Warren Mosler: Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory

A talk in our series “Economics Beyond the Swabian Hausfrau”

12 May Kopenhagener Str. 9, 10437 Berlin 7 pm



2019 mai. 10

(iii) E-posten trukaketa:

Nork: joseba felix tobar-arbulu
Bidaltze-data: 2019(e)ko maiatzak 12, igandea 10:05
Nori: Warren Mosler
Gaia: Scotland

Hi Warren,

Congratulations for your presentations in Scotland (I didn’t hear the one you gave in Birmingham).

Hope you enjoyed your time (mainly at the pub!)

Will you publish the diapositives of the talk you gave in Scotland?

Thanking you for your enormous work…

Long live Scotland and long live the Basque Country!

Have a nice trip coming home.



Nork: Warren Mosler <>
Bidaltze-data: 2019(e)ko maiatzak 12, igandea 17:46
Nori: josebafelix@outlook.es
Gaia: Re: Scotland

from my cell

On Sun, May 12, 2019, 10:05 AM joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es> wrote:

Hi Warren,

Congratulations for your presentations in Scotland (I didn’t hear the one you gave in Birmingham).


Hope you enjoyed your time (mainly at the pub!)

Apart from the weather!

Will you publish the diapositives of the talk you gave in Scotland?

They might do that, don’t know. In Berlin today doing interviews and an event. 

Thanking you for your enormous work…

appreciate your support! 

Long live Scotland and long live the Basque Country!



Have a nice trip coming home.

tonight’s slides1 attached.





Nork: joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Bidaltze-data: 2019(e)ko maiatzak 12, igandea 18:21
Nori: Warren Mosler
Gaia: Re: Scotland

Thanks a lot



Nire Samsung gailutik bidalia

1 Gaur jasoa. Hitzaldia gaur arrastaldean izan da, oraintxe. Beraz, Warren-ek (edo berlindarrek berek) argitaratu arte, ez ditut diapositiba horiek plazaratuko.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude