Sarrerarako, ikus Eskozia: bigarren aukeraz hitz bi eta bereziki moneta propioaz bertan esaten dena.
(i) Craig Dalzell-en Scotland’s New Deal1
(a) Tratu berezia2
(b) Gobernu eskoziarraren txostena3
(c) Westminster-ek erantzuna gobernu eskoziarraren proposamenei
(Below, is the entirety of the response to the Scottish Government’s proposals printed in full.)
(ii) Craig Dalzell-en We Need To Talk About: Defending Currencies4
(d) Moneten afera5
(e) Common Weal-en plana6
(f) Gobernu eskoziarra ildo beretik?7
Segidan Dalzell aritzen da ondoko puntuekin: What Makes a Currency Vulnerable To Attack?; How to Defend a Currency; Is Scotland Vulnerable?
(iii) Craig Dalzell-en Tread A Common Path8
(g) Plan baten beharra9
(h) Egindako lana10
(i) Egiteko dagoena11
Honaino Craig Dalzell-en kezkak.
Argi dagoenez, eskoziar batzuek kezka handi bat dute. Kezka nagusia monetaren inguruko aferan datza.
Badirudi zerotik, from scratch, hutsetik hasi nahi dutela eskoziar horiek…
Harrigarri bada ere, badirudi ez daukatela informaziorik, edo gutxienez informazio nahikoa.
Bill Mitchell hortxe dago, gainera idatzi egin du Eskoziaren independentziaz.
Warren Mosler eskura daukate, eta nahiko idatzi du moneta jaulkitzaileko gobernuen subiranotasunaz.
Adi egongo gara… ea Eskoziak asmatuko duen!
Gainera, beste albiste berezi bat hauxe dateke:
Spain drops plan to impose veto if Scotland tries to join EU12
Eta ohiko arazoa:
Uste al dute eskoziarrek, benetan, Eurolandian Eskozia independentea izango dela? Troikarekin? Eurolandian dauden austeritate neurri gorrekin?
Ikusi dugunez, ematen du Craig Dalzell eta Common Weal-ko taldekideak ez daudela ados Eskoziako askok, gehiegik defendatzen duen Eurolandian sartzearekin…
Baina, who knows… nork daki!
Itsukeria hedatuegia da.
Ez baduzu sinesten, galdetu Eurolandiaz gure herrian progre eta sasi ezkertiarrei (PNVko neoliberalei ez aipatzeko), edo Katalunian ERCkoei eta bertako neoliberalei…
Hamaika ikusteko jaio omen gara!
2 Ingelesez: “… the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs recommending that the EU should indeed be considering some kind of “Special Deal” for Scotland which would allow it stay within the Single Market even if we remain within the UK after Brexit.
The report states that EU institutions “should be prepared” to deal with Scotland and that
“There are discussions in those territories [Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gilbraltar] regarding the possibility of obtaining differentiated status as compared to the rest of the UK in the withdrawal process.
“This would point to a possible differentiated territorial application of EU law. Moreover, there is a call from some sectors of those territories to listen to and accommodate the will of the majority of citizens of those territories to remain in the EU.””
3 Ingelesez. “The Scottish Government has already published its own fairly commendable efforts to outline what a Scotland within both the UK and the Single Market would look like (click … here for the report).”
5 Ingelesez: “Currency remains one of the great potential uncertainties surrounding the debates about Scottish economics and independence. Last year I published the various options facing an independent Scotland along with the merits and demerits of each. Having selected as the preferred option an independent £Scot initially pegged to the Pound Sterling.“ (A Sovereign Currency for an Independent Scotland:
6 Ingelesez: “Common Weal subsequently published a detailed plan on how precisely to go about making this currency a reality.” (New Report – How to make a Currency: A Practical Guide:
7 Ingelesez: “Rather pleasingly, the news this week coming from the Scottish Government’s Growth Commission hints that they are looking at things from very much the same point of view as we have and may well be coming to the same conclusion.” (Plan for a new Scottish pound ‘likely’ to be recommended by SNP Growth Commission, insider says:
9 Ingelesez: “(…) Now that it’s confirmed that the new independence campaign will be kicking off and we’ll be having another referendum sometime in the next 18 to 24 months, we need to get cracking with our plans.”
10 Ingelesez: “Last year I was fortunate enough to get involved with Common Weal and helped them write a paper on Scotland’s currency options. This sparked the inspiration to start the White Paper Project. (…)
We’ve already published Version 1.0 of the White Paper and a library of research underpinning its claims. So far we’ve published papers on currency options; how to launch our own £Scot; options for debt and asset negotiations; projections of Scotland’s finances which goes Beyond GERS; principles for border and customs control; the demographics of the independence campaign; a proposal for a national investment bank and a proposal for a Citizens’ Assembly to replace the House of Lords.”
11 Ingelesez: “To add to this we want to produce papers on reform of social security, how to manage our energy grid in a way which benefits a 21st century country, how to manage our government IT systems in a modern, streamlined manner, what Scotland’s defence sector could look like and quite a bit more.
We’re also dedicated to getting out to the campaign groups to present our information to you and our presentations so far have always been met with the highest praise and enthusiasm.
We want to provide the answers you need to help us win our independence. (… )”