Europar Batasuna: berdintasuna?

Albistea: German Finance Minister Prevents Spain, Portugal Sanctions1

Nor da nor?

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has intervened in Brussels to prevent the European Union from imposing financial sanctions against Spain and Portugal for violating deficit rules, Handelsblatt has learned.

Mr. Schäuble personally called several E.U. commissioners to make the case against imposing financial sanctions, high-ranking E.U. diplomats told Handelsblatt. As a consequence, only four commissioners supported financial sanctions during a meeting on Wednesday.


But Spain and Portugal are not getting away unscathed. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, told Handelsblatt that, while Spain and Portugal are not facing financial sanctions, they could face the withdrawal of structural funds if they don’t make significant deficit reductions for 2017

Zigorrik ez, baina neurri gogorragoak…

We have made two decisions today: to forgo financial sanctions and to withhold structural funds,” Mr. Juncker told Handelsblatt. “Withholding structural funds will hit Spain and Portugal harder financially then would have been the case with sanctions.

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Under euro-zone rules, member states are required to keep their annual budget deficits under 3 percent of gross domestic product, or GDP. Failure to abide by this requirement can result in sanctions equal to 0.2 percent of the violator’s GDP or the suspension of structural funds.

Earlier in the month, euro-zone finance ministers voted to open sanctions proceedings against Spain and Portugal for violating the deficit rules.

Ez zigorra, baina haien interesen alde (sic)

At the time, Mr. Schäuble said the goal was not to sanction Portugal and Spain, “but to provide incentives for member states to do what is in their own interest.”

Eta Frantzia eta Alemania?

Though penalties are on the books, no E.U. member state has ever faced financial sanctions. France and Germany have ignored the budget deficit rules in the past without facing any consequences.

Paris Frantzia da!

In 2015, the European Commission gave France two additional years to bring its budget deficit under 3 percent. When asked why Paris was given leeway, E.U. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker simply said, “because it’s France.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Y Bruselas se apiadó de nosotros

    “…Bruselas decidió apiadarse de nosotros, perdonando a última hora la multa tanto a España como a Portugal por no cumplir con los objetivos de déficit público marcados. A cambio impone más deberes al nuevo gobierno: ahorrar 15.000 millones de aquí a finales de 2017. Van de perdona vidas, cuando en realidad todo estaba y está amañado, bien amañado. Es un paripé, apariencia, puro teatro del Barroco. La austeridad ha fracasado y lo saben. Por eso desde mediados de 2013 permitieron una expansión fiscal al ejecutivo del PP.
    (…) En su momento no se hizo aquello que era óptimo y eficiente, económica y socialmente, para hacer frente a los orígenes y las causas que llevaron a la economía mundial a la actual crisis sistémica. Se prefirió ganar tiempo y defender los intereses de quienes la generaron, la élite bancaria. Por eso ahora estamos en una situación parecida a 2007. Y siguen igual.
    (…) Y para ello la labor de desinformación es vital, clave, porque al manipular y ocultar el origen de la crisis permiten que esta agenda se alcance, aun a costa de los ciudadanos. Puro Totalitarismo Invertido. (…)”

Utzi erantzuna

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