Albistea: Spanish translation of my Eurozone book1
Mitchell Espainian egongo da hurrengo maiatzaren 5etik 12ra, liburua aurkezteko2.
Gogoratu Bartzelonara ere joango dela: “I’ll spend some time in Barcelona and will meet with some of the protagonists pushing for independence of Catalonia3.”
1 Ikus British trade unions in the early 1970s:
2 Ingelesez: “My current book – Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale was published May 2015 by Edward Elgar.
It will soon be released in a cheaper paperback version as part of my contract with the publisher – for further details.
In May 2016, the Spanish language version of the book will be published and available for sale through Lola Books.”