Alain Greenspan 2010ean

Albistea: Greenspan Explains The Fed’s Miserable Track Record: “We Didn’t Forecast Better Because We Can’t”1

(a) Factuma: 2007ko krisia

(b) Greenspan-en Great Moderation2

(c) Greenspan-en hitzak:

We didn’t forecast better than anyone else; we regulated banks that got in trouble like anyone else. Could we have done better? Yes, if we could forecast better. But we can’t. This is why I’m very uncomfortable with the idea of a systemic regulator, because they can’t forecast better.”


Fikziozko ekonomia

Krisia: nondik zetorren, zerk bultzatua, nortzuek aurreikusi zuten edo nor den nor

1 Ikus

2 Ingelesez: “… here is what has so far emerged as of the better punchlines within the data dump, and it comes courtesy of the man who many believe is responsible not only for the second global great depression (which needs trillions in central bank liquidity to be swept under the rug every day), but for the bubble-bust-bigger bubble” cycle that was unleashed with Greenspan’s Great Moderation.” (Trilioi amerikar bat = bilioi europar bat).

Great Moderation: ikus

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