Hasierarako, ikus Aurrekontu orekatua?1
Bill Mitchell-en article: British Labour Party is mad to sign up to the ‘Charter of Budget Responsibility’2
Arau fiskalak daude eztabaidan, tartean Jeremy Corbin eta John Mc Donnell3.
Mitchell-ek eztabaida argitu nahiz, honelako puntuak aipatzen ditu:
a) Aipaturiko arau fiskal batzuk neoliberalaren arlokoak dira4
b) Bere lan bat aipatzen du: The full employment fiscal deficit condition
c) Ekonomia atzeraldian badago, eta defizit korronteak gorantz jotzen badu, ez dago inongo beharrik gastu korrontea mozteko arau fiskala betetzearren: Structural deficits and automatic stabilisers
(d) Gobernu Laborista batek Overt Monetary Financing (OMF) delakoa erabili ahalko zuen kapital gastu programa segurtatzeko
Hortaz, ondoren afera fiskalari eusten dio. Mitchell (OMF) delakoaz ondoko lanetan aritu da:
- PQE is sound economics but is not in the QE familly
- Jeremy Corbyn must break out of the neo-liberal framing
- OMF – paranoia for many but a solution for all
Kritikak segitzen du:
e) John McDonnell nahasten du familia betan defizita gobernuaren defizitarekin, zeina neoliberalen nahasketa bera den
f) Familia edo enpresa baten defizita finantzaz mugatuta dago5
g) Gobernu subirano baten defizita ez dago errentaz mugaturik6
h) Beraz, familia edo enpresa bat mugatzen dituzten ‘medioak’ eta gobernu subirano bat mugatzen duten ‘medioak’ ez dira berberak7
i) Ezberdintasun hori oso garrantzitsua da langabezia handia dagoenean, harik eta enplegu osoa lortu arte8
j) Afera defizita da, eta afera horretan Mc Donnell-ek bi defizit mota nahasten ditu: balantze korrontea eta kapital balantzea9
3 Ikus UK Guardian-en John McDonnell: Labour will match Osborne and live within our means.
4 Ingelesez: Mc Donnell-en “… statement discloses a deep insecurity in the Corbyn camp that leaves them adopting fiscal rules that are the hallmark of the neo-liberals. It retains focus on the fiscal balance, however, decomposed into current and capital, whereas the focus should be on creating full employment and prosperity.”
5 Ingelesez: “When a household/firm borrows now to increase current consumption (or build productive capacity) there is a clear understanding that future income will have to be sacrificed to repay the loan with interest. This result follows because spending by the non-government body (household and/or firm) is financially constrained. A household must finance its spending either by earning income, running down saving, borrowing and/or selling previously accumulated assets. There is no other way. Borrowing has to be repaid via access to the other sources of spending capacity but by implication such repayments reduce the future capacity to spend. So, in the context of the spending unit being financially constrained, the concept of ‘living within our means’ has some meaning. A household, for example, cannot buy unlimited quantities of items that are for sale in the local currency because it is financially constrained.”
6 Ingelesez: “… a sovereign government is never revenue constrained because it is the monopoly issuer of the currency and so it can buy whatever is for sale in the currency it issues whenever it likes and in whatever quantities that are available – if it so chooses.”
7 Ingelesez: “So the ‘means’ that constrain a sovereign government are not the same ‘means’ that constrain a non-government sector player (household, firm).”
8 Ingelesez: “And when there is mass unemployment and underemployment then an economy has plenty of ‘means’ to bring back into productive use. For a sovereign government, ‘means’ mean real resources. For example, a sovereign government can always employ any idle labour that is willing to work for the currency the government issues. Once there is full employment, then the ‘means’ become constrained and the government has to deprive the non-government sector of some usage (for example, via taxation) if it wants a larger share of resource usage itself. There is no sense that a currency-issuing government is ‘living within its means’ as measured by any fiscal outcome. The only sense that can be made of such a concept is to examine the state of productive resource utilisation: Who are the British that are living within their means?”
9 Blogeko hurrengo sarreran arituko gara ezberdintasun (eta nahasketa) horretaz.