Asteartea… (segida)

Ikus Astelehena (29.06.2015)1

Albisteak (segida)

1914 Deja Vu: Draghi’s Cap On ELA Is Today’s Czar Nicholas Troop Mobilization

Good On You, Alexis Tsipras (Part 1)

Beggar Thy Neighbor? Greece’s Battered Banks Beget Balkan Jitters

The Mood On The Ground In Greece: “Some Have Raised The Prospect Of Civil War”

Europe’s Attack on Greek Democracy–stiglitz-2015-06

Laugarren hordagoka

Greece Threatens ‘Unprecedented’ Injunction Against EU To Block Grexit

Greece threatens top court action to block Grexit

Astearteko albisteak

Greek D(efault)-Day Arrives, As Does China’s Plunge Protection Team

Breaking: New deal may come by midnight. The IMF is gone and debt may be cut

European Regulators Suspend Trading In Greek Bonds Citing “Trading Harmony”

Varoufakis Confirms Greece Will Default To IMF Today

In Big Boost To “No” Vote, Schauble Hints Greece Can Default And Stay In Euro

There Is One ‘Small’ Problem With The Crowdfunded Greek Bailout Campaign

NATO Member Turkey Breaks Ranks: Slams EU Austerity, Offers Greek Aid

Greece Asks For 2-Year Bailout From ESM, Merkel Promptly Shoots It Down

Breaking: Urgent Eurogroup meeting to vote on new Greek proposal before midnight default deadline

Don’t Blame Austerity: Five “Dastardly” Ways Italy Burned Through Taxpayer Money

EFSF Confirms Greek Bailout Expires Today

These Are Greece’s 5 Possible Paths

Greece Becomes First Developed Country To Default To The IMF

For Greeks The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts

Gogoratzekoa (M. Draghi 2012an)

…the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough2.”

Gehigarri berezia

Robert Mundell, evil genius of the euro3.

The idea that the euro has “failed” is dangerously naive. The euro is doing exactly what its progenitor – and the wealthy 1%-ers who adopted it – predicted and planned for it to do.


The flames, the mass unemployment, the fire-sale of national assets, would bring about what Friedman called a “regeneration” of Greece and, ultimately, the entire eurozone.


Far from failing, the euro, which was Mundell’s baby, has succeeded probably beyond its progenitor’s wildest dreams.”

Aukera `politikoak’

Hona hemen oraingo aukera ‘politiko’ bakarrak, laster ikusiko ditugunak:

  1. Kapitulazio saltzea

  1. Grexit saltzea

‘Politika’ maitatzen dutenek aukera horietatik bat saldu behar dute jende arruntak uler dezagun zer gertatu den.

Izan ere, aparteko kapitulazioa (ala Grexit) saldu behar dute, ez soilik Grezian, ez bakarrik Syriza barruan.

Hitzik gabe geratuko lirateke hainbat eta hainbat progre (kazetari, politikari eta ekonomialari), Grexit aukeratuko balute greziarrek?

Ala esango digute haiek bazekitela? Grexit betidanik egon dela mahai gainean?

Eta ‘Akordioa’ lortuko balute, nola salduko lukete ‘akordio’, hots, kapitulazio hori?

Eta garrantzitsuena, edozein kasutan: zer gertatuko da Grezian?

Bustiko naiz: Greziako Syrizako liderrek izan duten jarrera behin eta berriz ikusita, postura egingo nuke kapitulazioaren alde, erreferenduma gertatuko zein ez!…

Barregarria, eta batez ere aspergarria, izango da kapitulazio horren salmenta mass median.

2 Ikus Euro is irreversible, declares European Central Bank president Mario Draghi:

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Bill Mitchell: So-called ‘free trade’ agreements should be strongly opposed

    “My header this week is in solidarity for the Greek people. I hope they vote no and then realise that leaving the dysfunctional Eurozone will promise them growth and a return to some prosperity. They can become the banner nation for other crippled Eurozone nations – a guiding light out of the madness that the neo-liberal elites have created. While Greece battens down against the most incredible attack on European democracy since who knows when – perhaps since the Anschluss that led finally to war breaking out a year later in Europe, one wonders how low the Brussels elite will go to preserve control of the agenda. They clearly lost control on Friday when the Greek leadership decided to go back to the people to determine whether they wanted more poverty-inducing austerity. In response, the Brussels gang along with their Washington mates at the IMF have come out with personal attacks, lies, threats and ridiculous dissembling. But that is what happens when bullies can’t bully.”

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