Infernutik irteteko proposamenak?

1) Infernuak bere horretan dirau1

2) Infernutiko albisteak

Is Telling Lies A Democratic Right?

Bank Of Greece Pleads For Deal, Says “Uncontrollable Crisis”, “Soaring Inflation” Coming

Greek Bank Bonds Plunge To Record Lows As ELA Haircut Looms

DAX Pump-And-Dump As Greeks Won’t Budge On Pension Cuts

Why Greece Matters (To Even The Most Small-Minded US Equity Manager)

3) Infernua ala galdutako paradisua?

Gaizki dagoen guztia kenduta, gauzak ongi daude (kazetarien esaera zaharra)

Greek Central Bank: “Greece will leave the European Union”

Meanwhile, In Greece, The Protests Return

Greek Citizens Threaten To “Take The Heads” Of “Grave Digging” Creditors

Greek Debt Committee Just Declared All Debt To The Troika “Illegal, Illegitimate, And Odious”

4) Kapitulazioa? Grexit?

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate

Euroland,  mon amour

(Dante revisited)


i) Back to Paradise: jadanik oso ezaguna den paradisua

ii) Alemaniak bere burua ispiluan ikusi beharko luke2


a) Caveat:

Grexit ongi eta zuzen kudeatzeko nolabaiteko maisutasun eta trebetasun maila bat behar da, gaur egun Greziak ez daukana, are gutxiago bluff hutsa den Varoufakis jaunak3.

b) Gogoratzekoa:

“Solo in Italia esiste oggi un movimento che si oppone al totalitarismo che sta trascinando l’Europa, e forse il mondo, verso la catastrofe”4

c) Beste Italia bat:

MMT oltre Italia5.

d) Lan bermea:

The Costs and Benefits of a Job Guarantee: Estimates from a Multi-Country Econometric Model6

Basta con la precarietà: vogliamo un’Italia con i Piani di Lavoro Garantito7

e) Ondorio zuzena:

Greziak DTMkoen bisita behar du, ez Troikarena, ezta Varoufakis ezjakinaren ‘aholkuak’ ere.

f) Syriza:

Syriza alderdiaren parte oso interesgarri batek Islandiako bidea proposatuko bide du laster. Hasiera ona izan daiteke, nahiz eta oso berandu izan, benetako aldaketa ‘erradikal’ bat martxan jartzeko. Ikusiko dugu zer ekarriko duten mahaira!

2 Ikus Bill Mitchell-ek Alemaniaz: Germany should look at itself in the mirror:

Ingelesez: “The Jacobin magazine article (June 15, 2015) – The Upsurge in Germany – notes that: The government’s goal of avoiding debt at all costs has been achieved at a huge expense. German cities and municipalities have been bled dry, schools are falling apart, and bridges are near collapse.


The article notes that Germany is lagging behind other OECD nations in its spending on “daycare centers, schoools and unversities … The level of early-childhood education in Germany is ‘in the poor-to-moderate range’”

The upshot is that Germany needs to: … renovate its factories, transportation arteries and data networks, educate its young people more effectively and devise new ways to use the vast savings capital of its citizens in economically meaningful ways.

But it cannot do that if it maintains the balanced (or surplus) fiscal strategy.

And now the IMF is finally waking up to this disaster.

In its article (…), we learn that “even the strongest economy” in the Eurozone, “Germany, seems to have lost some momentum in recent years. Moreover, estimates of German growth potential are low—and could go lower because of a rapidly aging population.”

The IMF article argues that: But there is a way to mitigate growth problems in Germany and, by extension, throughout the euro area. Increased German public investment in infrastructure, such as highways and bridges, would not only stimulate near-term domestic demand, but would also increase productivity and raise domestic output over the longer run and generate beneficial spillovers across the rest of the euro area.

Which is a refreshing change from the “growth-friendly austerity” that the IMF has been pumping out during the crisis to justify their role in the Troika, which has all but killed off Greek prosperity.


The IMF also now recognises that “Germany’s public investment in infrastructure is in the bottom quarter of the 34 advanced and emerging market economies of the” OECD.

The reality is that “public investment has been negligible since 2003″ and it is only so long that bridges and roads can tolerate virtually zero maintenance.

An increase in public infrastructure spending not only stimulates demand now but also increases potential real GDP (future growth) and future productivity growth, which provides an increased capacity for employment growth and real wages growth.

It all feeds on itself in a virtuous cycle.

The same strategy should be advocated for Greece. It cannot meet the fiscal targets imposed by the Troika without growth and the conditions imposed as part of the bailout prevent growth. They are caught up in a vicious cycle.

The solution is the same as it is for Germany – more public spending.


5 Ikus MMT oltre l’Italia:

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