Maiatzak 1: ez ote dago ezer berririk egiteko?

Giza baliabideak hortxe daude, nonahi. Gainera leku gehienetan ‘erabili’ gabe, hau da, langabezian, nonahi ere.

Warren Mosler-ek dioenez, “langabezia gizateriaren aurkako krimena da.”

Hortaz, langabezia konpontzea izan beharko litzateke ekonomialarien, politikarien, agente sozialen, sindikatuen eta hainbat erakunderen zereginik garrantzitsuena, inongo dudarik gabe.

Ezin da ekonomiaren krisia gaindituz doala (sic) esan, eta ondoren langabezia tasak zer-nolakoak diren ikusi hemen eta nonahi, eta lasai geratu. Hori demagogia hutsa besterik ez da!

Zer egin?

Batzuk karitatezko ‘irtenbideak’ planteatzen dituzte: errenta ‘unibertsala’ eta antzeko hitz jarioak aipatuz.

Beste batzuk eskema zaharkituekin ibiltzen dira: aberatsei kendu eta langabetuei eman… (ez dute esaten nola baina!) Badakizue plusbalioa eta antzeko ipuin zaharrak.

Beste batzuk kexaka irtengo dira ohiko prozesioetan, kaleetan zehar urtekoa errepikatuz.

Ezin da beste zertxobait egin? Zertxobait berririk?

Orain dela bi urte, gai bera aipatu genuen blog honetan:

Ikus eta bertan dauden iruzkinak.

Baina noski, kasurik ez!

Ez dugu ezer ikasi. Okerrago, ez dugu ezer berririk ikasi nahi. Zertarako ikasi?

Eta horrela doa gure bizitza, gure historia.

Daukagun baliabiderik preziatuena (gazteria), oso ongi prestatuta dagoena, erabili gabe dago, langabezian. Gainera, gazte pilo bat dago ia etsita politikari desberdinen mirakuluzko ‘irtenbideen’ aurrean…

Benetan ez dagoela ezer desberdinik egitekorik? Zer dela eta?


Birbanaketarik ala aurre-banaketarik?

Errenta unibertsala? Ez, lan unibertsala!

Pobreziaren aurka, lan postuak, hots, lan bermea

Iruzkinak (4)

  • joseba

    Lan bermea eta sektore pribatua

    Bill Mitchell-en lan berri bat: The Job Guarantee would not undermine the private sector

    “The Job Guarantee only employs workers at a fixed price which becomes the effective minimum wage in the economy.

    The non-Job Guarantee employers will always be able to bid the workers away from the Job Guarantee pool if they are prepared to offer more attractive conditions… Minimum wages define the lowest material standard of wage income that you want to tolerate.

    I consider that no worker should be paid below what is considered the lowest tolerable material standard of living just because low wage-low productivity operator wants to produce in a country.

    I don’t consider that the private ‘market’ is an arbiter of the values that a society should aspire to or maintain. That is where I differ significantly from my profession.

    But the problem is that the so-called ‘market” in its pure conceptual form is an amoral, ahistorical construct and cannot project the societal values that bind communities and peoples to higher order considerations.

    The minimum wage is a values-based concept and should not be determined by a market.

    All of that is in addition to the usual disclaimers that the pure ‘competitive market, cannot exist for labour given the imbalances between workers and employers and the fact that the use value of the labour power is derived within the transaction (that is, the worker has to be forced to work). This is unlike other exchanges where the parties make the deal and go their separate ways to enjoy the fruits of their trade.

    The Job Guarantee thus would embody the social values that we aspire to and the ‘economy’ would be moulded to suit those values and private profit making would have to adjust accordingly, rather than set the agenda that the human and physical environment has to succumb to.

    Full employment is the state where there was no involuntary unemployment and that is ensured by a sufficient number of jobs to be available in relation to the supply of labour at the current money wage rates.

    This amounts to a rejection of the notion that all unemployment is voluntary and that full employment can be defined by market relations – the intersection of the labour demand and supply curves at some ‘equilibrium price’.

    Accordingly, mass unemployment is construed as a macroeconomic problem related to deficient demand, which in turn reflects a deficient fiscal deficit.

    There is no logical evidence that small, high productivity businesses would not function profitably in a Job Guarantee world.”

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude