QE EBrako: irtenbidea?

Zer ote da QE?


Mosler-ek: QE zerga bat da besterik ez!


QE euro style: http://moslereconomics.com/2011/08/09/qe-euro-style/

QE doesn’t work to help the economy: http://moslereconomics.com/2013/10/04/fed-seems-to-know-qe-doesnt-work-to-help-the-economy/

QE is bad for banks: http://moslereconomics.com/2013/10/07/qe-is-bad-for-banks/

QE is a tax: http://moslereconomics.com/2014/05/02/qe-is-a-tax/


QE eta krisia: https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/03/06/beste-euro-krisi-bat/

EB, zer ote da hurrengoa?: https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/06/01/zer-da-hurrengoa-qe/

Plazebo bat!: https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2015/01/12/europak-plazebo-bat-eztabaidatzen-duen-bitartean/

Bill Mitchell-ek gaur: Fiscal austerity drives continuing pessimism as oil prices fall2

Aipu soil bat, ingelesez:

… A significant proportion of the financial commentators and business interests are now putting their hopes on the ECB to save the world with quantitative easing (QE). That, in itself, is a testament to how lacking in comprehension the majority of people are about monetary economics. QE will not save the Eurozone….”

QE dela eta, politikariak, ekonomialariak eta kazetariak EBn zorabio berri batean murgiltzen ari diren bitartean…

… Gogoratu EB ‘salbatzeko’ bidea, Mosler-en bidez:




Eta badaezpada ere, Draghi-z eta Molser-ez, ondoko link hau irakurtzea komenigarria litzaiguke:


1 Ikus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantitative_easing: Quantitative easing (QE) is monetary policy where a central bank creates new money electronically to buy financial assets.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Eurozone QE – making a bad problem worse?

    “… the ECB has finally capitulated and is going to start buying government bonds from the market in a desperate attempt to be seen doing something useful.”

    “… Of course they have swallowed the line that somehow this is going to increase bank lending across the continent and generate a ‘wealth effect’. Of course it isn’t because they have their causalities completely the wrong way around. ”

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