Italiaz hitz bi (2)

Italiaz orain dela gutxi aritu gara1. Bill Mitchell bertan egon da2.

Mitchell-ek Italiako ezker politikari zenbait gomendio luzatu dizkio3.

Garrantzitsuena: Italiako ezkerra lotsatu behar da4, Troikaren aurrean men egiteagatik.

Beste aldetik, La Liga Norte, eskumako alderdiak euroari sakoneko kritika egin dio5 eta Konstituzioan enplegu osoaren printzipio sartu nahi du6.

Zer nahi du Liga horrek? Padaniarako independentzia, egitura federal baten barruan eta erregio autonomia handiarekin. Halaber, Italiako estatu federal berria eurotik irtetea.

Eta azken puntu hau da garrantzitsua Mitchell-entzat. Izan ere, haren hitzez, “… their Euro exit strategy is the only sensible path for Italy to follow if they want to break out of the cycle of recession and increasing poverty.

Argi: dena ez da onartzekoa, zeren Ligakoek proposatutako estatu fiskala oso neo-liberala baita.

Mitchell-el Ligaren alde onak7 eta txarrak8 ongi ezagutzen ditu.

Zein da afera?

Italiako ezkerra (Greziako Syriza bezalaxe) pro-eurozalea da.

Italian Ligaren aurka egiteko, eta haiekin hauteskundeetan ez nahasteko edo, ezkerra eurozalea da9.

Ligak-k ondokoa dioen bitartean: “… recognises the damage the Eurozone has caused for workers with high unemployment and lost incomes and plans to do something about it ...”

Europan lehen aldiz, Ligakoak, “… they are planning to present to the Parliament a major constitutional amendment which will embed, for the first time, the principle of full employment. This principle will take priority over any of the rules imposed by Brussels (the European Commission) on the Eurozone nations.

Beste era batera esanda, “…the Stability and Growth Pact fiscal rules, the Two-Pack, the Six-Pack, the Fiscal Compact would be non-operative under Italian law if the economy was below full employment.”

Badirudi hori dela urrats garrantzitsu bat euro usteko ildoan, eta oparotasunerako oinarriz, behin herrialdeak euro utzi eta gero, bere moneta propioa egonkortuz…

Aipatutakoa aparteko politika egoki bat izan liteke ezker progresiboarentzat.


Ezkerrak: “… The left talk relentlessly about ‘structural reform’ which is just the Troika neo-liberal mantra.”

Mitchell-ek dioenez:

  1. Why the hell is it being left to the crazies on the extreme right to articulate basic economic and social (in terms of employment) sense?

  2. That is why the left should hang their heads in shame.

Bi gehigarri:

a) Mitchell-ek oraintsu DTM desmitifikatu du10, eta

b) 2012an Warren Mosler-i italierazko testu luze bezain sakona11 argitaratu zuen

Ea ikasiko dugun!

3 Ikus The Italian left should hang their heads in shame:

4 Ingelesez: The only conclusion is that the Italian left should hang their heads in shame for being surrender monkeys to the neo-liberal forces defined by the Troika.”

5 Ikus “Enough Euro, Another Europe is Possible” campaign (“Basta Euro, Un’Altra Europa è possibile!”), Mitchell-ek aipatua.

6 Mitchell-ek ingelesez, “The article (November 24, 2014) – Lavoro: Borghi Aquilini, inserire in costituzione prinicipio per piene occupazione – or “Jobs: Borghi Aquilini: wants to insert the principle of full employment into the constitution

7 “They are also strongly committed to environmental policies such as public green areas, national parks, recycling and opposes the big corporate food industry in favour of healthy alternatives.”

8 “But the League is also a nasty neo-fascist group fostering extremely conservative social policy stances – anti abortion, anti stem cell research, anti gay and same sex marriage, anti-immigration, and authoritarian rule of law positions. Their far right xenophobia amounts to racism.”

9 “…the left are pro-euro because the Lega Nord is anti-euro. Go figure. The left is scared of being confused with the Lega Nord in the electoral process.”

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Bill Mitchell Italian egon da…

    Ikus Friday lay day – some home truths:

    “Last week I was in Italy (…)
    I also enjoyed the hospitality of the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) group in Italy which are becoming very active. They are organised on a near national level now and their membership is growing.
    I met with members from Bologna and Rome and they were very enthusiastic about learning macroeconomics and educating the Italian public about the myths of neo-liberal (mainstream) economics.
    (…) I dare to suggest to the groups I met that if they wanted to become a political force then they would have to reorganise their public visibility under a banner of progressive issues – such as full employment, climate change, reducing income and wealth inequality etc.
    I told the group in Rome that I never use the term MMT when I am giving press interviews. I just focus on these issues that touch at the experience of citizens and use the principles of MMT to inform people that we can have full employment and price stability, that the government is not a household, that we can reduce income inequality and still enjoy rising material standards of living; that we also need to recognise that rising material standards of living have to accompanied by a concern for non-material matters and a regard for the natural world.”

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