Eskutitza, EBz

Hona hemen lagun batzuei gaur goizean bidalitako eskutitza. Jatorrizko bertsioa ingelesez dago. Beheko hau itzulia eta moldatua da[1]:


Europa, Europar Batasuna (EB) saldu zuten Paradisu bat bezala.

Hori ez baduzu sinesten, irakur itzazu 1980ko hamarkadaren eta 1990ko hamarkadaren lehen urteetako EB-ri buruzko berriak.

Ahots gutxi entzun ziren Paradisu horren aurka.

Gutxi horien artean, bat Stuart Holland-ena izan zen, beste lan batzuen artean, UnCommon Market izeneko liburuarekin.

Geroago, beste ahots batzuk etorri ziren harekin bat egitera: DMT-koak, hots, Warren Mosler, Randall Wray, Bill Mitchell…

Gaur egun, hauteskunde europarretatik oso hurbil gaudenean, aukera handi bat, beste bat gehiago!, galdu dugu, EBk dauzkan afera eta arazo guztiekin aritzeko, azken 30 urtetan galdutako aukera guztiekin tratatzeko…

Galdutako Paradisutik, batere literatura ez dena, Galdutako Aukeretara.

Tartean, agertzear daukan liburua idazten ari izan da Bill Mitchell: Europarako Aukerak.

Liburu horretan, EBri buruz jakin nahi zenituen (eta jende oso gutxi esateko gai zen) kontu guztiekin aritzen da Bill.

Kontu  horiek guztiok orain online dituzu. Hemen:

Laster liburua argitaratuko dute ingelesez eta italieraz.

Geuri dagokigu, esan nahi dut zuri eta bioi, EB izan den DESASTREAren historia erreala ezagutzea.

Soluzioak? Saia zaitez eta irakur liburua!

Pasa egun on bat.

Ez adiorik.


[1]  Hemen jatorrizko bertsioa: News from the Paradise lost…


Europe, the European Union (EU) was sold as a sort of Paradise.

Read the news about the EU around the 1980s and early 1990s, if you don’t believe that.

Few voices were heard against that Paradise.

One, among the few ones, was Stuart Holland with, among other writings, his book UnCommon Market.

Later on, other voices came to joint him: the MMTers, i.e., Warren Mosler, Randall Wray, Bill Mitchell…

Nowadays, when we are very close to the European elections, we have lost a big opportunity, one more!, to deal with all the issues and problems the EU has, all the lost opportunities  during the last 30 years…

From the Paradise Lost, not literature at all, to the Opportunities Lost.

In between, Bill Mitchell has been writing his coming book: Options for Europe.

In that book, Bill deals with all the issues you wanted to know about the EU, and very few people were able to say…

All these issues now you have on line. Here:

Soon the book will be published in English and Italian.

It is up to us, I mean up to you and me, to know the real history of the DISASTER has been the EU.

Solutions? Try and read the book!

Have a nice day.

Best wishes.




Iruzkinak (4)

  • joseba

    Eurozone, some drops:

    Here Bill Mitchell…

    Options for Europe – Part 84

    “Barroso told the Financial Times in March 2008 …but we think there is no rational reason to fear a recession in Europe”

    Options for Europe – Part 85

    “The euro-zone leaders went one further than laissez-faire. They put in place a policy austerity regime that guaranteed the economic collapse would be deeper and longer than otherwise.”

    “The first mistake the European policy makers made was to quickly fall into ideological mode and claim that the crisis was the result of excessive government spending.”

    Options for Europe – Part 86

    “…Trichet rehearsed the mantra that by then had become common among the conservatives – that fiscal austerity far from “jeopardising the economic recovery” would become a “decisive component of economic stability and sustainable global growth”

    Options for Europe – Part 87

    “The problem was (and is) the euro and the flawed way in which the monetary system was designed and the unworkable restrictions that were placed on governments within it.”

    “The first major bailout came in May 2010, when Greece was given a three-year €110 billion loan from the Troika with strict conditions attached. Greece was compelled to reduce its deficit by 15 per cent of GDP within three-years, which was nearly an impossible task.”

    “The Troika demanded that public sector pay be cut by around 18 per cent and pensions cut by 10 per cent, that wages and pensions be subject to a three-year freeze, that taxes on fuel, alcohol and tobacco be increased by 10 per cent and across-the-board VAT increases of 2 per cent be imposed, among other measures.”

    “ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet… It is an error to think that fiscal austerity is a threat to growth and job creation.”

    “As Table 16.1 shows the the IMF growth forecasts were for a contraction of 4.0 per cent in real GDP in 2010, followed by minus 2.6 per cent in 2011 with a 1.1 per cent positive growth rate in 2012. For unemployment, the IMF forecasted that the unemployment rate would be 11.8 per cent in 2010, 14.6 per cent in 2011, 14.8 per cent in 2012 then falling to 14.3 per cent in 2013. What actually happened? The forecasts they had use to justify their harsh austerity package for Greece were not even in any reasonable ballpark. Moreover, the actual outcomes shown in the Table were more in keeping what a reasoned assessment of the situation would have provided.”

    (See Table 16.1 IMF forecasts for Greece and reality)

    “…In the case of Greece, the damage caused by the IMF errors were massive.”

    “…Obviously, Dr Schlarmann didn’t realise that a nation can never be like a company because regardless of any (imprudent) voluntary arrangements the government has entered into – such as pegging its currency, borrowing in foreign currency, dollarising, joining a monetary union with a single currency – the nation can withdraw from those arrangements at any time by reintroducing its own floating currency and restructuring all its liabilities in that currency. That was an option the Germans didn’t want Greece to take, given the exposure of the German (and French) banks to the Greek government debt.”

    Eurozone? Just a paradise! The paradise lost!!!

  • joseba

    Plan Z:

    “…What is Plan Z?

    Unbeknown to almost the entire Greek political establishment, a small group of EU and International Monetary Fund officials had been working clandestinely for months preparing for a collapse of Greece’s banks. Their secret blueprint, known as “Plan Z”, was a detailed script of how to reconstruct Greece’s economic and financial infrastructure if it were to leave the euro.

    The plan was drawn up by about two dozen officials in small teams at the European Commission in Brussels, the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and the IMF in Washington. Officials who worked on the previously undisclosed plan insisted it was not a road map to force Greece out of the euro – quite the opposite. “Grexit”, they feared, would wreak havoc in European financial markets, causing bank runs in other teetering eurozone economies and raising questions of which country would be forced out next.

    But by early 2012, many of those same officials believed it was irresponsible not to prepare for a Greek exit. …”

    “…Here are the highlights of Plan Z’s creation:

    With most of the world’s economic leadership flying to Los Cabos, Mexico, for the annual Group of 20 summit the same weekend as the Greek vote, a small group of top EU officials stayed at their desks in case Plan Z had to be activated. They were led by Olli Rehn, EU economic commissioner, who cancelled his flight to Mexico to stay in Brussels. Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank chief, remained in Frankfurt and Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg prime minister who headed the eurogroup of finance ministers, was also on call.

    When Grexit was first publicly broached during the November 2011 G20 summit in Cannes – where both Ms Merkel and host Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, pushed for an in-or-out referendum in Greece – there had been no planning for an outcome in which Greece opted to leave.

    Several senior officials said they were stunned Ms Merkel and Mr Sarkozy had aired the idea that the eurozone could be left voluntarily, something that had previously been vigorously denied. Even officials who had worked closely with the two said they were caught unawares.

    “I fell off my chair,” said one who had participated in closed-door discussions with both leaders. “For the first time, instead of the word being expunged out of conversations, they were using it. I remember thinking then: we’re heading for trouble now.”

    “…Work on Plan Z began in earnest in January 2012, largely overseen by four men. Jörg Asmussen, a German who had joined the ECB executive board that month, was assigned by Mr Draghi to head a Grexit task force within the central bank. Thomas Wieser, a long-time Austrian finance ministry official, was appointed permanent head of the “euro working group” of finance ministry deputies and helped co-ordinate work in Brussels with Mr Buti. And Poul Thomsen, a Dane who had headed the IMF’s Greek bailout team since the onset of the crisis, provided input from the fund in Washington.

    “Work took place in absolute secrecy: one can see why it was paramount for Draghi to lie.

    Efforts to keep information from leaking from the small teams around the four men were extreme for the same reason Mr Trichet had banned such planning: public discovery could be enough to cause the kind of panic that would force them to put their plan into action.

    According to one participant, no single Plan Z document was ever compiled and no emails were exchanged between participants about their work. “It was totally fire-walled even within [the institutions],” said the official. “Even between the teams there was fire-walling.” A decision was made not to involve Greek officials out of fear of leaks.

    Their firewalls worked. During a dinner between José Manuel Barroso, the commission president, and Ms Merkel at the chancellery in Berlin less than two weeks before the Greek vote, Ms Merkel asked for reassurance from Mr Barroso that a plan was in place in case Greece rejected bailout conditions and Grexit ensued.”

    (Read the whole article!)

  • joseba

    Duda bat:

    Aurreko bi iruzkin irakurrita, duda bat daukat…

    EBren eraketa ez da soilik desastre huts bat izan, baizik eta, Mitchell-ek bere liburuan erakusten duena ikusi eta gero, europar jendeaz barre egiteko saiakera maltzurra: hamaika iruzur eta bete izan ez diren etengabeko aurreikuspenak plazaratuz gehi langabezia masiboa barreiatuz …

    Eta hori gutxi balitz, isilpeko zenbait bilera gauzatuz, beti banku handien mozkinak salbatzeko helburuarekin, gardentasuna aldarrikatzen duten bitartean…

    ETBn, 2014.05.23an, Azpimarra programan salatu nuen moduan, tragedia hutsa, drama izugarri bat da EB.

    Horretaz, azken hauteskunde kanpainan ez da hitz bat ere ez aipatu. Adorerik eza? Ezjakintasuna? Ez dakit…

    Duda hori ez didate kenduko biharko, 2014.05.25eko hauteskundeen emaitzek!

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