ETBn, berriz

Gonbidatu gisa, Azpimarra programan egon naiz[1].

Hona hemen linka[2].

Aipaturiko gaien artean, bi gai mamitsu:

(i)                Bill Mitchell-en liburu berria: Options for Europe[3].


(ii)              Euroa ‘salbatzeko’ egindako bilera ezkutuak: Z plana[4]

(Dena den, gai gehiegi batera eta, era berean, sakonean ukitzeko. Agian beste bisitatxoren bat egin beharko da ETBra.)

Entzundako bitxikeria: Europak Espainiar Estatua erreskatatu du (sic), ez bankuak. Hamaika entzuteko jaioak omen gara. Entzundako batzuk, hala ere, irentsi ezinak dira[5].

[5]  Tantatxo bat, besterik ez, nahiz eta ‘tanta’ hori apartekoa izan. In How the euro was saved, If the euro falls, Europe falls izeneko lantxoa (


In December [2012] Ms Merkel won agreement for a “fiscal compact” requiring all eurozone countries to write the EU’s tough budget rules into national constitutions. And two weeks after the fight in Los Cabos she struck a deal that would mark the biggest shift in sovereignty since the euro’s creation: in exchange for allowing common eurozone funds to rescue failing European banks, oversight and liquidation of those institutions would move from national to EU control. In both initiatives, she found an energetic partner in Mr Draghi.”


Izan ere, “Washington had been advocating an ECB-backed “firewall” almost since the start of the crisis, arguing that the Federal Reserve had proved indispensable to quelling the US banking panic. Mr Monti was viewed by the White House as its strongest ally…


ECB-backed “firewall”delakorako, ikusInside Europe’s Plan Z





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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude