Ni ez naiz marxista (Karl Marx)

Ni ez naiz marxista:

Ez, Marx bezalaxe, ez naiz marxista baina hona hemen zertzelada batzuk:

(i)                Marx hasiberrientzat:

(ii)              Sorry, Marx-ek arrazoi zuen:

(iii)             M-M’ vs M-C-M’:

(iv)             XIX mendeko Marxengandik XXI mendeko Diru Teoria Modernora:

(v)              Diru Teoria Modernoa hasiberrientzat:


Eta hemen Marxen

(a)    maxima kutuna: Nihil humani a me alienum puto


(b)    lema kutuna: De omnibus dubitandum

Zaila, hobeto esanda, ezina da horrelako maxima eta lemarekin ados ez egotea.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Marx and the Labor Theory of Value:

    j) Fiat Money Destroys the Labour Theory of Value

    (30 erantzun)

    “Fiat money – the high-powered money of modern economies – can be created at will from nothing by central bank employees and theoretically in whatever quantities are needed. Such fiat money can be created at will simply by typing key strokes into a computer, and the amount of labour needed to create $1 of fiat money is hardly different from that needed to create $1 million or $100 billion (namely, a few extra key strokes). Yet obviously one dollar of high-powered money and $1 million buy commodities with vastly different quantities of abstract socially necessary labour time in Marx’s sense of this concept. You cannot explain the exchange value of fiat money by appealing to the abstract socially necessary labour time needed to create it.”

    (19 erantzun) —-> Tom Hockey

    ii) Marx on the Necessity of Money being a Commodity

    “Attempts to claim that fiat money can properly function as money within Marx’s economic system as Marx understood money are utterly wrong. If Marxists are going to do this, they must admit that they need to radically revise Marx’s economic system and that Marx was wrong about money in important respects.”

Utzi erantzuna joseba(r)i Cancel Reply

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