Eskozia ez da inolako eredua Euskal Herriarentzat

Zarata asko eta berri on gutxi.

Irakurri dugunez[1],

“…the Scottish Government agrees with the Commissions view that it makes sense to retain Sterling, in a currency union with the rest of the UK…”

Bill Mitchell-ek dioenez[2] (baita DTM-koek ere),

 “If Scotland chose to issue its own currency … then it could, in theory, create an almost unlimited supply at virtually no cost.”

“If Scotland wants to be truly independent it has to have its own currency.”

Orduan eta soilik orduan:

Then all the issues about what ratings the public debt would get from the bond markets and the rating agencies and all the rest of the nonsense would fade away into irrelevance.”


Orduan, zer dela eta aukeratuko dute Britainia Handiko libra esterlina?


Ezjakintasuna? Ukapena? Biak?


Denial or ignorance – major changes are required within my profession before it starts to serve the people with sound advice that will advance their well-being.”


(Euskaraz, ikus link hauek[3].)


Eskozia independentea ote Scoland’s Future liburu zuriaren bidetik?




Ene ustez, Eskozia gaur egun ez da inolako eredua Euskal Herriarentzat.


Dixi et salvavi animam mean.

Iruzkinak (2)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude