A Basque Country native talks economic crisis

Bitxikeria: International Bodyboard Asociation (IBA) erakundeko munduko tour-ean 10. postuan kokatuta dago Alex Uranga zumaiarra. Kirolari gaztea da oso, eta bere alorrean arrakastatsua, zalantzarik gabe. Joan den astean, Australiako Riptide Magazine ospetsuak elkarrizketa egin zion. Hona hemen euskaldun batek Australian zabaldutako mezua:

  • Riptide: “How hard has Basque Country been affected by the economic difficulties in Europe? Have you, family or friends been affected by it greatly? How?”
  • Alex Uranga: “At the moment it’s really heavy. It’s been about four years since the crisis started. It affects all sectors and I have friends that have been really affected. The craziest thing is that the government tries to hide the facts, lying and talking shit… all the politicians need to say what the real situation about what families and young people are going through. There’s no work, no money for studying… they’re bastards (…)”.
Alex Uranga, krisi egoeratik atera nahian (argazkia: Sacha Specker).

Politikariei ondo etorriko zaie kaleko jendearen iritziak jasotzea, noski. Euskal Herritik kanpotik badatoz, ziur hobeto. Oraingo honetan, Australiatik bertatik. Eta modu oso gordinean gainera.

Eta bitartean: irtenbiderik ote? aldaketa sakonerako proposamenik bai? eta hezkuntza alorrean? unibertsitate mailan berrikuntza esanguratsurik proposatu al da?

Alex Uranga euskal txapelduna, Reunion Island-en iaz egindako IBAko proban (argazkia: Sacha Specker).

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